Commands & Permissions



  • [optional]
  • <required>
  • <this is option || this is the other option || this is another option>

The majority of commands allow multiple players to be specified

  • /ban confuser,SavannahF,04stewe1 Testing
  • /ban confuser|SavannahF|04stewe1 Testing

All commands have aliases prefixed with bm, e.g. /bmban, /bmtempban etc.

Command Description Flags Permissions
/ban <player> <reason> Permanently ban a player -s bm.command.ban
/tempban <player> <timeDiff> <reason> Temporarily ban a player -s bm.command.tempban
/unban <player> [reason] Unban a player -d bm.command.unban
/mute <player> <reason> Permanently mute a player -s, -soft bm.command.mute
/tempmute <player> <timeDiff> <reason> Temporarily mute a player -s, -soft bm.command.tempmute
/unmute <player> [reason] Unmute a player   bm.command.unmute
/banip <player || ip> <reason> Permanently ban an ip address or ip of a player -s bm.command.banip
/tempbanip <player || ip> <timeDiff> <reason> Temporarily ban an ip address or ip of a player -s bm.command.tempbanip
/unbanip <ip> [reason] Unban an ip address   bm.command.unbanip
/muteip <player || ip> <reason> Permanently mute an ip address or ip of a player -s bm.command.muteip
/tempmuteip <player || ip> <timeDiff> <reason> Temporarily mute an ip address or ip of a player -s bm.command.tempmuteip
/unmuteip <ip> [reason] Unmute an ip address   bm.command.unmuteip
/baniprange <cidr || wildcard> <reason> Permanently ban a cidr or wildcard ip range, e.g. or 192.168.*.* -s bm.command.baniprange
/tempbaniprange <cidr || wildcard> <timeDiff> <reason> Temporarily ban a cidr or wildcard ip range -s bm.command.tempbaniprange
/unbaniprange <cidr || wildcard || player> Unban an ip range   bm.command.unbaniprange
/warn <player> <reason> Warn a player -s -p bm.command.warn
/tempwarn <player> <timeDiff> <reason> Temporarily warn a player -s -p bm.command.tempwarn
/dwarn <player> Delete the last warning a player received -s bm.command.dwarn
/addnote <player> <message> Add a note against a player -s bm.command.addnote
/notes [player] View notes of all online players or a particular player   bm.command.notes,
/kick <player> <reason> Kick a player from the server -s bm.command.kick
/nlkick <player> <reason> Kick a player from the server without logging the kick if kick logging enabled -s bm.command.nlkick
/bminfo [player] Look up information of a player -bans, -kicks, -ips, -mutes, -notes, -time, -warns bm.command.bminfo
/bmimport <players || ips> Import from vanilla banned-players.json and banned-ips.json files   bm.command.import
/bmexport <players || ips> Export bans to vanilla format   bm.command.export
/bmreload Reload plugin configuration and messages (excludes database connection info)   bm.command.reload
/banlist [players || ipranges || ips] List all bans stored in memory   bm.command.banlist
/bmsync <local || external> Force the server to syncronise with the database   bm.command.sync
/bmclear <player> [banrecords || kicks || muterecords || notes || warnings] Clear all records of a player or specify a type   bm.command.clear
/bmdelete <banrecords || kicks || muterecords || notes || warnings> <ids> Delete specific records for a player based on ids from /bminfo   bm.command.delete
/bmactivity <timeDiff> [player] View recent activity of staff, or a particular player   bm.command.activity
/alts <player || ip> List players which have the same ip address   bm.command.alts
/report <player> <reason> Report a player for rule breaking, logs their location and the actors location, as well as other data
/reports Report management, executes list by default   bm.command.reports
/repots assign <ids> [player] Assign a report to a player, if none given assigns to self   bm.command.reports.assign
/reports close <ids> [/command || comment] Marks a report as closed, with an optional comment or command   bm.command.reports.close
/reports list [page] [state] Lists reports   bm.command.reports.list
/reports tp <id> Teleports you to where the report was created
/reports unassign <ids> Unassigns reports from a player   bm.command.reports.unassign
/bmrollback <player> <timeDiff> [types] Allows rolling back malicious actions by a staff member   bm.command.bmrollback
/banname <name> <reason> Ban any players with the name specified -s bm.command.banname
/tempbanname <name> <timeDiff> <reason> Temporarily ban a name -s bm.command.tempbanname
/unbanname <name> [reason] Unban a name   bm.command.unbanname


Some commands allow flags, see above for which commands can use what. Flags (singular or multiple) can be used anywhere after the command name, including the beginning, middle and even end.

  • /ban -s confuser test
  • /ban confuser -s test
  • /ban confuser test -s
  • /ban confuser this is the -s reason
Flag Alias Description Permission Example
-silent -s Perform the command silently without a broadcast bm.command.<command>.silent e.g. bm.command.tempban.silent /ban -s confuser Test
-bans -b List the past bans of a player via /bminfo bm.command.bminfo.history.bans /bminfo confuser -b
-kicks -w List kick records of a player via /bminfo bm.command.bminfo.history.kicks /bminfo confuser -k
-mutes -m List the past mutes of a player via /bminfo bm.command.bminfo.history.mutes /bminfo confuser -m
-notes -n List all notes associated with a player via /bminfo bm.command.bminfo.history.notes /bminfo confuser -n
-warns -w List all warnings of a player via /bminfo bm.command.bminfo.history.warnings /bminfo confuser -w
-time -t Limit data by a date using timeDiff formatting   /bminfo confuser -t 23w
-soft -st Soft/shadow muting bm.command.<command>.soft /tempmute confuser -st 1d Testing
-points -p Specify severity of a warning bm.command.warn.points /warn confuser -p 4 Testing
-ips -i Display join/leave times of a player along with their ip address bm.command.bminfo.history.ips
-delete -d Deletes a ban without creating a record bm.command.unban.delete

Time Format

Any commands which denote a <timeDiff> argument can be used as follows:

  • 10s = 10 seconds
  • 10m = 10 minutes
  • 10h = 10 hours
  • 10d = 10 days
  • 10mo = 10 months
  • 10y = 10 years


  • /tempban confuser 1d Test
  • /tempban confuser 1w3d Test


Please note that most commands have more permissions than listed above, and will be denoted here. BanManager has been designed to be as flexible as possible, hence the plethora of permissions.

Permission Description
bm.command.ban Allows a player to permanently ban someone
bm.command.ban.offline Required to permanently ban an offline player
bm.command.ban.override Allows overriding an existing ban
bm.command.tempban Allows a player to tempban someone
bm.command.tempban.offline Required to temporary ban an offline player
bm.command.tempban.override Allows overriding of an existing ban
bm.command.unban Allows a player to unban someone
bm.command.unban.own Allows a player to only unban a player they banned
bm.command.unban.delete Allows using -d flag to delete a ban without creating a ban record
bm.command.warn Allows you to warn a player
bm.command.warn.offline Allows you to warn an offline player who will be shown the message when they next join
bm.command.tempwarn Allows you to temporarily warn a player
bm.command.tempwarn.offline Allows you to temporarily warn an offline player who will be shown the message when they next join
bm.command.sync Allows you to forcefully sync database changes
bm.command.baniprange Allows you to permanently ban an ip range
bm.command.tempbaniprange Allows you to temporary ban an ip range
bm.command.unbaniprange Allows you to unban an ip range
bm.command.banlist Allows you to see active punishments stored in memory
bm.command.banlist.players Allows you to see active player bans stored in memory
bm.command.banlist.ips Allows you to see active ip bans stored in memory
bm.command.banlist.ipranges Allows you to see active ip range bans stored in memory
bm.command.activity Allows you to see recent punishment activity
bm.command.clear Allows clearing of a players records
bm.command.clear.banrecords Allows clearing of a player's ban records
bm.command.clear.kicks Allows clearing of a player's kick records
bm.command.clear.muterecords Allows clearing of a player's mute records
bm.command.clear.notes Allows clearing of a player's notes
bm.command.clear.reports Allows clearing of a player's reports
bm.command.clear.warnings Allows clearing of a player's warnings
bm.command.delete Allows deleting a players record
bm.command.delete.banrecords Allows deleting a player's ban record
bm.command.delete.kicks Allows deleting a player's kick record
bm.command.delete.muterecords Allows deleting a player's mute record
bm.command.delete.notes Allows deleting a player's note
bm.command.delete.reports Allows deleting a player's report
bm.command.delete.warnings Allows deleting a player's warning
bm.command.addnote Allows adding a note to a player
bm.command.notes Allows viewing all notes of a player Allows viewing all notes of players currently online
bm.command.bminfo Allows use of /bminfo which shows your current ban info
bm.command.bminfo.playerstats Allows seeing player statistics, amount of bans, mutes etc
bm.command.bminfo.connection Allows seeing player's logged ip address
bm.command.bminfo.ipstats Allows seeing ip statistics such as amount of bans
bm.command.bminfo.alts Allows seeing possible alts, same output as /alts Displays link to players ban page, requires configuring within messages.yml
bm.command.bminfo.others Allows viewing other players information
bm.command.banip Allows you to ban an ip
bm.command.banip.override Allows overriding an existing ip ban
bm.command.tempbanip Allows you to tempban an ip
bm.command.tempbanip.override Allows overriding an existing ip ban
bm.command.unbanip Allows you to unban an ip
bm.command.import Allows importing of banned players and ips from banned-players.json and banned-ips.json files
bm.command.kick Allows you to kick another player
bm.command.nlkick Allows you to kick another player without logging it
bm.command.mute Allows you to mute a player
bm.command.mute.offline Required to permanently mute an offline player
bm.command.mute.override Allows you to override an existing mute
bm.command.tempmute Allows you to temp mute a player
bm.command.tempmute.offline Required to temporary mute an offline player
bm.command.tempmute.override Allows you to override an existing mute
bm.command.unmute Allows you to unmute a player
bm.command.unmute.own Allows a player to only unmute a player they muted
bm.command.reload Allows you to reload from the config
bm.command.rollback Allows rolling back staff actions
bm.command.banname Allows banning a name
bm.command.banname.override Allows overriding an existing name ban
bm.command.tempbanname Allows temporarily banning a name
bm.command.tempbanname.override Allows overriding an existing name ban
bm.command.unbanname Allows unbanning a name
bm.exempt.kick Online players with this permission cannot be kicked, highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.ban Online players with this permission cannot be banned, highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.ban.override Allows a player to ban an exempt player
bm.exempt.tempban Online players with this permission cannot be temporarily banned,highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.tempban.override Allows a player to tempban an exempt player
bm.exempt.mute Online players with this permission cannot be muted, highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.mute.override Allows a player to mute an exempt player
bm.exempt.tempmute Online players with this permission cannot be temporarily muted, highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.tempmute.override Allows a player to tempmute an exempt player
bm.exempt.banip Online players with this permission cannot be ip banned, highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.banip.override Allows a player to ip ban an exempt player
bm.exempt.tempbanip Online players with this permission cannot be temporarily banned, highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.warn Online players with this permission cannot be warned
bm.exempt.tempwarn Online players with this permission cannot be temporarily warned
bm.notify.ban Notified when a player is permanently banned
bm.notify.tempban Notified when a player is temporarily banned
bm.notify.unban Notified when a player is unbanned
bm.notify.banip Notified when an ip is permanently banned
bm.notify.tempbanip Notified when an ip is temporarily banned
bm.notify.unipban Notified when an ip is unbanned
bm.notify.mute Notified when a player is permanently muted
bm.notify.muted Shows attempted messages from muted players
bm.notify.tempmute Notified when a player is temporarily muted
bm.notify.unmute Notified when a player is unmuted
bm.notify.muteip Notified when an ip is permanently muted
bm.notify.mutedip Shows attempted messages from muted ips
bm.notify.tempmuteip Notified when an ip is temporarily muted
bm.notify.unmuteip Notified when an ip is unmuted
bm.notify.baniprange Notified when an ip range is permanently banned
bm.notify.tempbaniprange Notified when an ip range is temporarily banned
bm.notify.unbaniprange Notified when an ip range is unbanned
bm.notify.kick Notified when a player is kicked
bm.notify.reports Notified when a player is reported Displays open reports on server join
bm.notify.reports.assigned Displays assigned reports on server join
bm.notify.warn Notified when a player is warned
bm.notify.tempwarn Notified when a player is temporarily warned
bm.notify.duplicateips Notified when a player with the same ip address of a banned player joins
bm.notify.notes Notified when a note is created for a player
bm.notify.notes.join Displays all notes associated with a player who joined the server
bm.notify.denied.player Notified when a banned player attempts to join
bm.notify.denied.ip Notified when a player attempts to join from a banned ip address
bm.notify.banname Notified when a name is permanently banned
bm.notify.tempbanname Notified when a name is temporarily banned
bm.notify.unbanname Notified when a name is unbanned
bm.timelimit.playerBans.bypass Allows a player to bypass any group limitations on temporary ban lengths
bm.timelimit.playerMutes.bypass Allows a player to bypass any group limitations on temporary mute lengths
bm.timelimit.ipBans.bypass Allows a player to bypass any group limitations on temporary ban lengths
bm.timelimit.ipMutes.bypass Allows a player to bypass any group limitations on temporary mute lengths
bm.timelimit.rollbacks.bypass Allows a player to bypass any group limitations on rollback lengths
bm.timelimit.nameBans.bypass Allows a player to bypass any group limitations on temporary name lengths Allows reporting a player
bm.command.reports Allows access to report management Allows reporting an offline player
bm.command.reports.assign Assign a report to yourself
bm.command.reports.assign.other Assign a report to another player
bm.command.reports.close Close a report
bm.command.reports.list List assigned reports
bm.command.reports.list.others List all reports
bm.command.reports.teleport Teleport to a player report location
bm.command.reports.unassign Unassign a report

Global Commands

These commands are only available if the global database option within your config is enabled. These commands are simply for syncing bans across multiple servers, and do not have as granulated permissions as normal local commands as defined above.

The time it takes for each action to take affect depends on the interval your global scheduler is set to within your schedules.yml file is. Default is 5 minutes.

Command Description Permission
/banall <player> <reason> Permanently ban a player across multiple servers bm.command.banall
/tempbanall <player> <timeDiff> <reason> Temporarily ban a player across multiple servers bm.command.tempbanall
/unbanall <player> Unban a player across multiple servers bm.command.unbanall
/muteall <player> <reason> Permanently mute a player across multiple servers bm.command.muteall
/tempmuteall <player> <timeDiff> Temporarily mute a player across multiple servers bm.command.tempmuteall
/unmuteall <player> <timeDiff> Unmute a player across multiple servers bm.command.unmuteall
/banipall <player || ip> <reason> Permanently ban an ip across multiple servers bm.command.banipall
/tempbanipall <player || ip> <timeDiff> <reason> Temporarily ban an ip across multiple servers bm.command.tempbanipall
/unbanipall <ip> Unban an ip across multiple servers bm.command.unbanipall
/addnoteall <player> <message> Add a note across multiple servers bm.command.addnoteall