BanManager v5.4.0
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UploadedMay 7, 2015
Size1,003.72 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.1
- CB 1.7.9-R0.1
For v5 major changes, please read the v5.0.0 change log.
- More robust yaml handling, syntax errors now save the yaml file as a backup before replacing with the default. This prevents the plugin from not starting up correctly.
- Use an alternative for broadcasting, adds backwards compatibility for older Bukkit servers. Thanks to btlim305.
- Fixed NPE exceptions on /unbanall, /unbanipall and /unmuteall commands when a player was not found.
- Fixed wrong tokens for some ip based messages.
- Breaking /bminfo can now be ran without a player argument, defaulting to the player executing it.
- Looking up other players now requires bm.command.bminfo.others permission.
- Force offline names to lowercase when generating UUIDs.
- Fixes case issues for offline servers.
- Added predefined reasons via hashtags
- E.g. /warn confuser #hacking
- Reasons can be added in reasons.yml and keys must not contain whitespace
- i.e. #the hack won't work, but #thehack will
- Ip ban notifications now display players.
- Requires change in banip notify with addition of [players]
- See default messages.yml for more information
- Breaking Separated /bmclear types into permissions.
- bm.command.clear.banrecords
- bm.command.clear.kicks
- bm.command.clear.muterecords
- bm.command.clear.notes
- bm.command.clear.warnings
- Added optional config option to limit the amount of players that can connect from the same ip address.
- Brought command usage messages inline with others, aesthetic change.
- Improved expired punishment checking. This should fix duplicate records from being created.
- Shaded google-gson for better compatibility, ergo larger jar size this release.
- Whilst recent spigot builds changed path to this is not backwards compatible with older bukkit versions which this plugin supports.
- This will future proof against any other potential gson path changes in the future.
- This fixes /bmimport and /bmexport on Spigot 1.8+ builds.
- Added ipv4 range banning, supports wildcard and cidr notations NOTE this creates a new table, therefore if you need a non-default table name, ensure you disable the local database before starting the server with this update to allow for the new config nodes to be created for you to modify.
- /baniprange <wildcard || cidr> <reason>
- /tempbaniprange <wildcard || cidr> <timeDiff> <reason>
- /unbaniprange <wildcard || cidr || player>
- Permissions
- bm.command.baniprange
- bm.command.tempbaniprange
- bm.command.unbaniprange
- bm.notify.baniprange
- bm.notify.tempbaniprange
- bm.notify.unbaniprange
- Breaking Fixed ip banning notify permissions
- Changed from
- bm.notify.ipban to bm.notify.banip
- bm.notify.iptempban to bm.notify.tempbanip
- Changed from
- Fixed permissions for only unbanning own punishments.
- Added silent flag for most commands
- Examples:
- /ban confuser This will be silent -s
- /tempban confuser 10s Also silent -s
- /mute confuser Much -s silence
- Requires .silent command permission, i.e. bm.command.commandName.silent
- E.g. bm.command.ban.silent, bm.command.tempban.silent etc
- BmAPI updated with additional params for silencing.
- Examples:
- Added /banlist [players, ips, ipranges], allows viewing of current bans stored in memory.
- Requires permissions bm.command.banlist, bm.command.banlist.players, bm.command.banlist.ips, bm.command.banlist.ipranges
- Added /bmactivity <timeDiff> [player], shows recent activity within the time frame specified which is the same format as temp punishments, i.e. 1d = 1 day.
- Requires permission bm.command.bmactivity
- Removed exception during duplicates check.
- Added message to make others more aware what it means, hopefully reducing false bug reports due to Mojang API rate limiting.