Badass Dragons

Makes your Enderdragons more fearsome and allows to set drops, exp and hitpoints (even per player). Light weight on-demand plugin.

  • Adds firebreathe and multiple abilities.
  • Customizeable health- and ability levels.
  • Customizeable xp drops and bounty.
  • Experience is distributed among killing players depending on the damage they did.
  • Respawns killed Endercrystals and optionally Dragons as well.

Has been built for a request on Bukkit:


Simply put this into your plugins folder and start the server.

Afterwards stop the server and edit the config so it matches your desired worlds and abilities. Care: The config must be edited when your server is stopped. If you change it while the server is running, your changes won't be saved!

The plugin will automatically detect spawning dragons in set worlds and power them.

It will also respawn those crystals that get killed in the defined worlds.

Commands and Permissions

To use the command /bad <command> you need the permission badassdragons.<command>!

  • /bad help opens the help menu.
  • /bad savebounty saves the items in your inventory as dragon's loot.
  • /bad reload (DISCOURAGED) reloads the config. Hardly works for now. If you manage to upload the new config to your server and immediately reload, it works. If you wait about 5 seconds, you had your chance and the config is back to old.

Current status

It's a beta and I'm still trying out things. Not everything might be working the way it's intended.

You can support my developing time by donating.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 27, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
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