Original image by saviski – Banner by bijx
The BadAdmin project is a plugin designed for Minecraft servers in order to allow administrators or operators to harass their players in the most harmful way possible. This project has been created to create an alternative to some of the brash and cruel punishments in other plugins of this kind, and to introduce new features for admins to misuse.
Remember, this plugin is just for fun and is recommended for use on a mature group of players who are likely not to start a riot and overthrow you.
Commands & Permissions
The following are the only commands you can use so far, and their permissions. OPs have the perms by default.
- /ba <help | all | reload> – BadAdmin.* – Views all commands | Shows affect-all commands in GUI | Reloads config.
- /lagout <player> – BadAdmin.lagout – Crashes specified players client by firing of tons of arrows right in front of them. Warning: May cause serious lag. Also affects players within a short rendering distance of them.
- /lagall – BadAdmin.lagall – Crashes all players' clients on the server INCLUDING YOURSELF (I'll remove this later) Warning: Will probably crash the server if there are a lot of players online
- /blowup <player> – BadAdmin.blowup – Summons lots of TNT on a specific player.
- /creep <player> – BadAdmin.creep – Spawns 1 creeper every second for 10 seconds on specified player. Spooky.
- /zombieapocalypse or /za – BadAdmin.zombieapocalypse – Turns world into night time and summons many zombies near every player on the server including you.
- /zombiehorde <player> or /zh <player> – BadAdmin.zombieapocalypse – Turns world into night time and summons many zombies near specified player.
- /advert <player> – BadAdmin.advert - Spams specified player's chat with meaningless advertisements for 30 seconds.
- /advertall – BadAdmin.advert - Spams all player chats with meaningless advertisements for 30 seconds.
- /strike <player> – BadAdmin.lightning - Summons a lightning storm above player and strikes them with thousands of lightning bolts.
- /strikeall – BadAdmin.lightning - Strikes all players on the server with thousands of lightning bolts.
Plugin Version: 1.1.6 This plugin is currently in beta. If you notice any bugs or errors or just suggestions and feedback, comment below.
Oh gawdd.. My admins would have to much fun with this lol