Suggestions For BFTD #24

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser10234625
  • _ForgeUser7275388 created this issue Apr 4, 2013

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    Hey there i have 4 really good ideas for this plugin here they are as follows:

    1. In someplugins there is a protected plot area so i was thinking if you could make lets say a safezone command to make a certain area out as a safezone meaning no pvp or zombies can spawn here.
    2. I was thinking that the option to set exacltly how many zombies will spawn and what type will spawn in a certain place would be awesome lets say for example i want the cords X=1234 Z=2344 Y=64 to have exactly 20 zombies spawn every 10 minutes i could do it using a command binded to a item such as in worldedit you can bind the tree tool to an item example: bind it to a wooden pickaxe.
    3. I was thinking that the idea of adding in a clan side to the plugin would be awesome so tht people could make clans and join them and have set out area where they can claim land and build its an idea that would give the game that walking dead touch along with warz touch and dayz also.
    4. I was thinking that you should improve the zombie radar people are too easily detected by zombies you should add in a sensor bar at the top for sigth and noise and when your close to a zmbie you can still silently crawl by him depending if your walking on grass sand or stone you would lets say have a better chance to walk by him on stone than on sand or grass.

    Please provide any additional information below.

    I explained pretty much everything above

    Contact me on [email protected] is the forum for my server that i use your plugin on we are still making our zombie apoc world xD

    thanks for your time dude.

  • _ForgeUser7275388 added the tags New Enhancment Apr 4, 2013

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