![]() | CURRENT VERSION: | |
English | Polski | |
Description, permissions, changelog - below Commands | Opis, komendy, permissions, changelog |
Should work with all CraftBukkit builds.
AZRank is not fully compatible with GroupManager - errors may occur.
In 1.3.beta4 GroupManager should work corectly
AZRank - change ranks easily!
Give ranks for specified time and choose how long player can be in a group. Give VIP status for eg. a month!
- Vault (from version 1.2.2 of AZRank)
- Permissions plugin supported by Vault. Examples are: PermissionsEx, GroupManager and bPermissions. I recommend PermissionsEx
I released new version - 1.3betaX. There is now a posibility to add or set player groups.
Please make sure that you backup your AZRank/database.yml before you update.
In the new version there is there is a new database format so a return to the previous version will not be possible again.
Some of the commands do not work in the beta version.
Download 1.3.beta4
In 1.3.beta4 GroupManager should work corectly
If something does not work then please send ticket or comment underneath! Tell me which permissions plugin do you use, and wchih version of AZRank!
Please Donate?
To write this plugin I've used some of my personal time, you could help me by donating, thanks!
Permissions Nodes:
azrank.* - Allow: use all commands
azrank.setrank. * - Allow: set group for everyone
azrank.setrank.<group> - Allow: set given group for everyone
azrank.reload - Allow: reload configuration and database - Allow get info about player
azrank.restore - Allow restoregroup command
azrank.list - Allow tempranks command
- 1.3....
- 1.3.2 (in the future)
Group categories (player could be in only one group in the same category)
- Directly support more permissions plugins.
- 1.3.1 (upcoming)
- Directly support some permissions plugins(PEX and GM).
- Directly support some permissions plugins(PEX and GM).
- 1.3.beta4 (CURRENT)
- directly support GroupManager ( if you use it AZRank don't need Vault)
- main issues witch GM was fixed
- directly support GroupManager ( if you use it AZRank don't need Vault)
- 1.3.beta3
- case insensitivity for group names
- null nodes in database will be deleted
- case insensitivity for group names
- 1.3.beta2
- If player already is in group which you are setting or adding the time will be prolonged (if group is temporary)
- added command: /azextend - if player have temprary group, duration will be prolonged
- implemented all others commands(azranks, azremovegroup)
- changed format of tempranks list
- If player already is in group which you are setting or adding the time will be prolonged (if group is temporary)
- 1.3.beta1
- adding or setting groups(cmd: /azaddgroup)
- different groups can have different restore times
- some changes to the names of commands
- new database structure (Several temporary groups)
- adding or setting groups(cmd: /azaddgroup)
- 1.3.2 (in the future)
- 1.2.5
- Fixed compatibility with GroupManager
- 1.2.4
- Fixed backward compatibility
- Corrected errors with handling the code
- Fixed backward compatibility
- 1.2.3
- Fixed Support all permissions plugins supported by Vault
- Added a custom graph in plugin metrics for this version
- Fixed support for PermissionsBukkit
- Fixed Support all permissions plugins supported by Vault
- 1.2.2
- 1.2.1
- Changed names of most commands
- Integration of Commands: setrank and rank, is now one command
- Fixed support for GroupManager
- Added statistics(plugin metrics;
- Changed names of most commands
- 1.1.2
- Added configurable time check (in seconds)
- Fixed Dependencies
- Added configurable time check (in seconds)
- 1.1.1
- New command: /restoregroup <nick>
- New command: /rank <nick>
- New command: /tempranks [page]
- Support for bPermissions
- New command: /restoregroup <nick>
- Beta 0.3.2
- Fixed rechanging groups
- Beta 0.3.1
- Added support for GroupManager
- Beta 0.2.2
- Added Source
- Beta 0.2.1
- Fixed Configuration
- Fixed compatibility with Java 6
- Fixed Configuration
- Beta 0.1.1
- Initial release.
- Temporary and non-temporary groups
- Support for PermissionEx only
- Initial release.
Official Partner:**
Other plugins that I would like to recommend: Chatter, Essentials, PermissionsEx
Możesz to zrobić na 1.7.10 plss?
polak potrafi
The plugin work ? I have download the 2 plugins the AZRank in 1.8/1.7 and the original..
New uptades in the: updated 1.8! and 1.7
update :( ?
Broken link :'(
And the logo made by me is stil here;)
I can take and update this project. :) But RutrPL must give me AZRank.
can someone please take this project over and update it?
Plugin nie bedzie rozwijany dalej. INACTIVE
Cześć. :) Bardzo bym prosił o kontynuację updatowania tego pluginu. Jest on dla mnie niezbędny i bardzo użyteczny(myślę,że nie tylko dla mnie). Pozdrawiam.
Please update to work with the latest Bukkit and the latest PermissionsEX.
Thanks in advance!
Very good plugin ;)
Hello for next update please configu a option for the multiworld because I use group manager :)
Co robi w configu ustawienie checkInterval: 10 ?
Ja używam wersji dev (1.3.b5) na 1.6.4 i ładnie działa.
Ludzie, tu macie lepszy:
Jak macie Bledy sprawdzcie czy jest Vault
Is it work fine with craftbukkit 1.6.4 ?