Autorank v4.0.2 Beta


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  • Uploaded
    Feb 1, 2017
  • Size
    346.81 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.11
  • 1.10
  • 1.9


A new beta update is here! When I announced Autorank 4.0 as a beta, I knew there would be some bugs. Well, in this release, I fixed a major one!

I highly recommend updating to this beta!

- When you run Autorank 4 for the first time (without having installed Autorank before), it would crash.
- Autorank should now correctly show when there is an update.
- Added new translation strings
- Fix major bug that would unload paths from Autorank when a player did not meet the prerequisites of that path (that's why you need to update!)
- By popular demand: when you perform /ar check and there are no paths that you are able to choose, it will display a message telling the player there are no paths left to choose.
- I've temporarily disabled the rank change result as it caused a lot of problems. I'm investigating the issue and see if there is any way to fix them.
- Add an option to show a path on the /ar view list only when a player meets the prerequisites. For more info, see this!

If you find any bugs, report them as always!
Happy Autoranking!