Colour codes #4

  • New
  • Enhancment
  • _ForgeUser10228707 created this issue Sep 3, 2014


    I'd like support for colour codes and formatting codes (e.g. &4 for red, &l for bold, etc) in shop names and wherever else you deem appropriate.

    Currently, all shops titles display in red which doesn't match my other GUI.

    The latest update was absolutely fantastic, you implemented the last lot of requests brilliantly!

  • _ForgeUser10228707 added the tags New Enhancment Sep 3, 2014
  • _ForgeUser10228707 posted a comment Sep 6, 2014

    This issue drove me half mad initially, the solution turned out to be very simple.

    Set the last line of the BossShop config to 'PlayerPoints' as shown below.

    EnableSigns: false
    MainShop: Menu
    HideItemsPlayersDoNotHavePermissionsFor: false
    EnableTransactionLog: true
    ServerPingingDelay: 20
    AllowUnsafeEnchantments: false
    DisableUpdateNotifications: false
      Enabled: false
      - Permission.Node:<type>:<multiplier>
      - BossShop.PriceMultiplier.Points1:points:0.75
      - BossShop.PriceMultiplier.Points1:points:0.5
      - BossShop.PriceMultiplier.Money1:money:0.75
      - BossShop.PriceMultiplier.Money2:money:0.5
      - BossShop.PriceMultiplier.MoneyNegative:money:2.0
      - BossShop.PriceMultiplier.Exp:exp:0.8
    PointsPlugin: PlayerPoints

    If you've already done that and the problem persists, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until the devs revisit this project. They seem to have abandoned it somewhat.

    Edited Sep 6, 2014

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