
This plugin automatically sends mined blocks to a players inventory. It can also send mob drops and xp straight to players. This should be compatible with most other plugins.


  • Has AutoSmelt and AutoBlock
  • Has an auto sell feature (requires quicksell)
  • Has Fortune support
  • Warns players when their inventories are full

AutoBlock will automatically turn 9 ingots into a block (see the pretty picture above that explains this). AutoSmelt will automatically turn ores into ingots (see the awesome picture above for a more visual explanation) .

Commands and Permissions

  • /AutoPickup - Displays the help screen
  • /AutoSell toggle - Toggles auto sell. This only works if the plugin QuickSell is installed - Permission: AutoSell.toggle
  • /AutoPickup toggle - Toggles auto pickup - Permission: AutoPickup.toggle
  • /AutoBlock toggle - Toggles auto block - Permission: AutoBlock.toggle
  • /AutoBlock - Turns anything that can be into a block - Permission: AutoBlock.command
  • /AutoSmelt - Smelts anything that can be smelted in your inventory - Permission: AutoSmelt.command
  • /AutoSmelt toggle - Toggles auto smelt - Permission: AutoSmelt.toggle
  • /AutoSmelt reload - Reloads the plugin - Permission: AutoPickup.reload
  • AutoPickup.enabled - Gives a player autopickup when they join the server
  • AutoBlock.enabled - Gives a player autoblock when they join the server
  • AutoSmelt.enabled - Gives a player autosmelt when they join the server
  • AutoSell.enabled - Gives a player autosell when they join the server. Requires Quicksell

Special Permissions: These permissions will not be used on most servers, and would probably confuse people if they were enabled, so these permissions must be enabled in config,yml before they can be used.

  • AutoPickup.infinity - Stops players' picks from breaking
  • AutoPickup.BlockGui - Disables the autopickup gui




Compatible with: MythicDrops, MythicMobs, QuickSell, FortuneBlocks, AutoSell, StackableItems, PrisonGems, TokenEnchant

If you want the plugin to be compatible with another plugin, tell me and I'll try to add it


There are a few config files (which will be created when you load the plugin):


There are a few options here

  • Full Inventory.Delete Item - If this is true, items that cannot fit into your inventory will disappear when using autopickup. If this is set to false, the items will fall to the ground as if you did not have autopickup enabled.
  • Full Inventory.Warn - If this is true, the plugin will warn players when their inventories are full.
  • Infinity Pick - If this is set to true, any player with the permission AutoPickup.infinity will never break picks while using them
  • Auto Block XP - If this is set to true, XP from blocks will automatically go to the player
  • Mob.Auto Pickup - If this is set to true, drops from mobs will go straight to players' inventories
  • Mob.Auto XP - If this is set to true, experience from mobs will go straight to players


Allows you to change the messages for this plugin. This can be useful if your server is not an English speaking server.

Smelt Blacklist.yml:

This lets you have a blacklist so you can block items from being autosmelted. There is also an option to disable this in the file. Here's the default config with some explanation:

#Makes the Blacklist enabled
Enable Blacklist: true 
#Stops cobble from being smelted into stone, (stone's item id is 1) (this can also be replaced with: -stone)
- '1'
#Stops wood from being smelted into charcoal, (According to MineCraft, coal and charcoal are the same item, they just have different data values)
#(this can also be replaced with: -'263:1')
- Coal:1

Advanced Fortune.yml:

There are only a few settings in here, and most people will never need to touch them. One setting allows things such as iron ingots to still be affected by fortune if the player is using autosmelt. This is on by default. The other option allows anything in the file's whitelist to be affected by fortune. Meaning, if you wanted to, you could make fortune affect cobblestone, dirt, ores, etc. This is off by default, because it does require slightly more RAM, and most servers will not need it.


Bugs and Requests

Please read the entire page before requesting anything/asking for bugs, but if you are reading this than you made it to the bottom of the page, good job.

If you do have a bug, please post your log too, it may have an error.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 27, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jun 25, 2020
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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