
What is AutoAnswer?

The purpose of this plugin is to give admins / moderators on your server a break by answering some of the questions that your players have. This is done through a list of questions and answers that you can edit yourself. If a player then asks this question they will automatically be sent a message with the answer that you put in! This means a lot less hassle for you and your staff meaning they can spend more time dealing with more important matters.

How do I use AutoAnswer?

It is easy to set-up and use AutoAnswer on your server. All you have to do is drag the jar file you download into your plugins folder and start your server. This will automatically create a folder called AutoAnswer where your config is stored. When you first look at the config file you will notice that there is already a default question setup, it will look something like this:


Key Words:

- staff

- moderator

- op

- can

- i

- be

Answer: No, you cannot be staff at this time, we may be looking for staff in the future!

As you can see, the question has a number (in this case 1). It is important that when adding new questions you name them similarly (e.g. Question2, Question3 etc.) this will be changed in later updates. Each question you add should be laid out in the same format as the default question.

Please note that all key words should be in lower case, this will be fixed in the next update

You will also notice the line:

Number of Questions: 1

It is important that you change this to the number of questions that you have setup otherwise they will not all be checked and so will not work properly.

You will also notice that you get an option to enable or disable "Cancel Chat", this lets you decide whether you want the players question to be sent as a message to everybody like normal as well as them getting the answer or if you want to cancel the message so that nobody else see's it.

You can now reload the plugins config using the command /aa reload, this means you no longer have to reload the whole server to make changes to your questions and answers!

Finally, you can also change the prefix of the chat from "AutoAnswer" to anything you wish!

How often will this plugin be updated?

This is not my only plugin and so I will not be able to update it as quickly as possible due to the fact I have others that I need to update, saying that, I will always try and update the plugin as quickly as possible so that the plugin does not get behind, or if I just feel like adding a new feature.

Planned Features

Here is a list of features im planning to add to the plugin:

  • Easy to use commands
  • More Permissions
  • More customization to messages (color etc.)
  • Prefix color customization.


I work on the plugins that I create for the fun of making them as well as to help people out with features that they want on servers. If you feel that I am doing a good job at it and wish to donate to help keep me motivated to continue the plugins I am making you can do so by clicking the donate button in the top right of the screen. These donations really help keep me motivated to keep going as well as helping me stay focused and on task.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 20, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Feb 9, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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