

Sample configuration file for AuthMe 2.0. Please see the thread for AuthMe 0.84.

    # file or mysql
    backend: mysql
    # MySQL database name
    mySQLDatabase: authme
    # MySQL username
    mySQLUsername: authme
    # MySQL password
    mySQLPassword: '12345'
    # MySQL host
    # MySQL port
    mySQLPort: '3306'
    # MySQL table name
    mySQLTablename: authme
    # name of the username column in the mysql table
    mySQLColumnName: username
    # name of the password column in the mysql table
    mySQLColumnPassword: password
    # name of the IP column in the mysql table
    mySQLColumnIp: ip
    # name of the lastlogin column in the mysql table
    mySQLColumnLastLogin: lastlogin
    # do you want caching? Only needed when the file 
    # backend is used or the MySQL database is on 
    # another host than the mc server
    caching: false
        # Do you want to enable session? When enabled 
        # the ip of a player will be bound to the nickname
        # of the player on login. As long as neither of those
        # two change players don't have to login on a reconnect
        enabled: false
        # After how many minutes a session should timeout?
        # 0 for unlimitted sessions
        timeout: 10
        # Can unregistered players chat?
        allowChat: false
        # Should unregistered players be kicked immediatly?
        kickNonRegistered: false
        # should not loged in players be teleported to spawn?
        # On login they will be teleported back to their normal
        # position
        teleportUnAuthedToSpawn: true
        # max allowed nick length (Warning when you use
        # mysql and choose a value >20 you have to 
        # increase the size of the nickname column in your
        # mysql table)
        maxNicknameLength: 20
        # Can unregistered players walk around?
        allowMovement: false
        # min allowed nick length
        minNicknameLength: 3
        # After what time players who fail to login or register
        # should be kicked. Set to 0 to disable.
        timeout: 30
        # How far can unregistered players walk? Set to 0
        # for unlimited radius
        allowedMovementRadius: 100
        # possible values: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, XAUTH
        passwordHash: SHA256
        # enable registration on the server?
        enabled: true
        # Send every X seconds a message to a player to
        # remind him that he has to login/register
        messageInterval: 5
        # Only registered and logged in players can play.
        # See restrictions for exceptions
        force: true
        # Players cant login with same nick as players that is online
        ForceSingleSession: false


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