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When Players get My Server at the First time.They get to the World Spawn...After Register and Login ...They jump under the ground or on the Top of the Spawnhouse.Or outside of the Spawnhouse... but not to the Spawn !WHY
I can tested and tested all options in the config. files from Essentials , MultiverseCore, and AuthMe.
But the same Bug all the Time...
multiverse spawn is at the same place as the Essentials spawn.
Without Authme works without Bug. And with Authme the Players jump in a radius of 8 blocks or under the ground...
Please help me ! ... The Players dead under the ground or falling from the Top...
You can reproduce the Bug if you delete the Player file in this folder : Minecraft/world/player/[PLAYERNAME]and Then join new to the server ... after the login you see the bug...
Please fix it...
Kind Regards Roerich
PS: You can Visit me at Teamspeak3 : or Skype Roerich8
This plugin is old and no longer supported. Might i suggest using instead??
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