AuthMe - 3.0.6
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UploadedNov 13, 2013
Size878.02 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.6.4-R2.0
Changes 3.0.6:
- Add a bypass permission to ForceSurvivalMode : authme.bypassforcesurvival
- Add a way to reset SaveQuitLocation : /authme purgelastpos <playername> | Perm : authme.admin.purgelastpos
- PhpBB support now put correctly reg date in the correct format
- Now Support old or new version of xAuth while importing database
- Fix some missplaced players on top layer
- Prevent some rare case where inventory is lose when you are in creative
- Add NL translation
Changes 3.0.5:
- AuthMe will now only checking GameMode change if ForceSurvivalMode is enable in config.yml ! (sorry for convenient)
- AutoPurge files removing settings ( essentials , dat files , etc...) are now using with /authme purge and /authme purgebannedplayers
- Fix NPE while PlayerJoinEvent
- Add a saveQuitLocation when player /logout ( missing )
- Let xAuth converter be a single thread , prevent some crash
- Some other minor fixes
Changes 3.0.4:
- Fix Change Password NullPointerException
- Get correctly the salt when needed
Changes 3.0.3:
- Fix NPE with /authme register command in certain case
- Fix XAUTH password encryption method ( problem with Whirlpool moving files while 3.0 rework , really sorry for convenient )
Changes 3.0.2:
- Correctly Fire PasswordEncryptionEvent
- Correctly TP player
- Fix NPE problem
- Add LimitedCreative inventories to autopurge
- Add AntiXRay datas to autopurge
- Cancel all gamemode changes do not made by authme while player isn't logged in , due to some inventories issues
Changes 3.0.1:
- Fix phpbb support
- Fix BungeeCord Hook
- Fix LoginEvent + PasswordEncryptionEvent getHandlersList()
- Fix teleport issue
Changes 3.0:
- Repackaging from to fr.xephi.authme, please developpers, update!
- Rewrite some of parts of the plugin
- Some code was already perfect , also did not change it :p
- Full support for phpbb3
- Add full support for WordPress + passwordHash: WORDPRESS
- Completely rewrite Management system for inventories and tp issues, Thanks to : Possible
- Rework on /passpartu command
- Completely rewrite the password encryption method
- Add a way for developers to add their own Password Encryption Method on AuthMe via event way (please see
- Add an auto purge with players.dat removing method and essentials files removing ( if you want authme to hook with an another plugin let me know )
- Complete Hook with BungeeCord by removing the /server command before login
- message_lang.yml will never be overwritten with English Strings , but correctly update the message_lang.yml when needed to
- Fix a lot of issues mentioned in tickets , commants , or by mp, Thanks for all your reports!
Before update to this version make sure to do a backup of all files, database and accounts.