AuthMe - 2.7.7
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UploadedFeb 6, 2013
Size178.57 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R1.0
Changes 2.7.7:
- Rewrite Citizens / CombatTag hook
- Add ability to display others players accounts
- Hook to PhPFusion with PHPFUSION PasswordHash
- Hook to SMF with SMF PasswordHash
- Hook to Xenforo with XFSHA1 or XFSHA256 PasswordHash
- Fix some NPE
- Add ability to change Email Sender Name
- Add Slovak Translation
- Custom ID column
- Some other fixes
Before update to this version make sure to do a backup of all files, database and accounts.
if u want your language style u have just to renamen it as messages_en.yml and set in config.yml messageLanguage: en to load it.