AuthMe - 2.7.6
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UploadedJan 29, 2013
Size169.45 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R0.1
Changes 2.7.6:
- Fix SQLite
- Add IPB3 support (set your columnSalt and passwordHash to IPB3 )
- Add Multiple Column username register
- Fix for all SMTP Email server support !!!
- Set FireTick to 0 while the player isn't login
- Add Email message after register
- Prepare for add more Board support with Salt Column
- Prepare for begin a cleanup code
Config your email service :
Email: mailSMTP: #Here the smtp server mailPort: 465 #Here the port mailAccount: '' #Here the Account mailPassword: '' #Here the Account's Password RecoveryPasswordLength: 8 #The new password length
Before update to this version make sure to do a backup of all files, database and accounts.
if u want your language style u have just to renamen it as messages_en.yml and set in config.yml messageLanguage: en to load it.