AuthMe - 2.7.0
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UploadedDec 15, 2012
Size158.59 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.5-R0.2
Changes 2.7.0:
- ADD CUSTOM EVENT SYSTEM : just one for this moment : RestoreInventoryEvent , that be call when AuthMe restore the inventory for a player after a login
- Update German translation
- Add /authme lastlogin <player> command for get the player's LastLogin if exist
- Save GameMode and apply this on PlayerKick without login or register
- Add name_len and regex to messages.yml
- Add hungarian translation
- Fix messages.yml , save yours, delete the file and reload AuthMe with new changes
- Add a synctask for ForceSurvivalMode
- ADD RAKAMAK CONVERTER , read this : How convert from Rakamak
- While github remove his download manager , i'll now use DropBox to share DevBuild
- Add Russian translate : ru
- Add allowCommands list to allow some commands to use while allowChat: false and the player is unlogged (like /help, etc... ) update your config.yml !!!
- Add all priority on AsyncPlayerChatEvent for prevent allowChat : false , when using the EssentialsChat
Changes 2.6.9:
- Add Security function , check the new config file ! ( Stop the server when can't connect to database )
- Add an option in config, for disable the reloadCommand support, enable by default
- Try to fix the problem with the lastLoc when a player login/logout without authentification
- Add an AsyncChat event to lowest priority , for prevent chat when allowChat is set to false and use Faction Plugin
Before update to this version make sure to do a backup of all files, database and accounts.
if u want your language style u have just to renamen it as messages_en.yml and set in config.yml messageLanguage: en to load it.
if your players can chat even if allowChat: false , take some minuts and try to configure unLoggedInGroup ( check the how to wiki ) with none permissions this will solve all major secrity problem.