Auri Grifball
PLEASE NOTE: Commands Will change Over time!
What this plugin does
This is a mini game/gamemode where there is 2 teams, Red and blue, Each player on each team will get a hoe Aka Hammer, a ball will be spawn in the middle of the map, the goal is to grab the grif ball and make it back to the enemy base and score, each time a player scores that is one point for your team. If you die while you have the ball, you will spawn back at your team side, but the grif ball will drop from where you died. to win the game, you must score 10 points(default)
- Simple map setup
- This plugin may or may not use tagapi, so stay tuned
- You can even vote for the maps you wanna play on
- Custom griffball head will spawn for each map(still working on this, may or may not work)
- If any one has any other feature you would like me to add, please add it to the comment section!
- Automade, Meaning no command is necessary to start the game
- Auto balance teams "meaning you will not have to worry about uneven teams
Commands Admin Commands
- /setlobby spawn
- /createmap (map name)
- /setspawn (map name) (team color)
- /setgriffb (Map name) "this will be place under you feet"
- /setgriffg (map name) (team color) "set goal for each team"
- /Changemap (Map name) "this will force map change to the map you wanna play on"
- /aurirestart "Having troubles with the plugin, use this command to restart the plugin"
- /Auristart "did the game not start? use this to autostart the game! may or may not have to use this"
-More commands will come when we get closer to finishing the plugins--- Player commands
- /mapvote (Map#)
- /report (insert message) "This is only used for bug reports, so try not to spam this or you may get ban from admins"
- /spectate "Once you go to spectate mode, can not go back to playing the game till the game is over"
--More commands will come when we get closer to finishing the plugins--
Permissions Work in progress
Setup maps
- Execute the "/createmap (map name) "You have to be admin or higher the default rank to be able to use this command"
- Set the team spawns
- Set the team goals
- Set the grif ball spawn
- Then do /createmap finish
- Enjoy and play
- For more maps go to a different world and set new map
Setup Lobby
- execute the /setlobby spawn Command "Once again must be admin or higher rank"
- and then you are done
- ===== AuriGrifBall.Maps =====
- ===== AuriGriffBall.lobby =====
-More to come soon---
What I need
- Maybe a person who a youtuber or knows a fair or famous youtuber to push the plugin a bit :)
- Main server for this plugin, "where players can go to your server and play on and test"
-More to come soon--
Can you please add a beta jar to this!
I really want to make a grifball server like zeks that got closed down.
Sorry for not pushing any code or releasing a jar file. Have life issues to take care of and a network. Will get a jar out within the month or so!
I have several questions about this:
1. Will the hammer item be configurable? Hoes already double as guns on my server and I don't want any plugin conflicts.
2. Will each arena be its own world, or can you define parts of a world as an arena (like the plugin War)?
I am curious, how much is this plugin developed? Possible release date?
The plugin will be hold back for another month or so, I am working on my hub server now.
Might be a good idea to prevent conflicts by making all commands like come under a /grif command. Then it'd be /grif setlobby, etc.
When is this plugin finish? :)
Yup. in the making now
yeah ! halo rules !!!! red vs blue . griff :P
awsome game in halo btw and probably also in minecraft :P i am implementing this on my server :P