Ask-v0.4b-No more n00b questions!
As an admin, you may have been asked questions like, "How do I make money?", more times than you can count. Not anymore! Ask enables you to add questions to a file, then users can ask them.
I am no longer working on this project. It might still run on servers though, there are no ties to the game of Minecraft itself, only to Bukkit. If you would like to take this project over, please email me at (my user name)[email protected] -just be sure to replace the (my user name) with my actual user name.
Configuring Questions
Noob: /ask How do I earn cash?
Plugin: You must ... to earn cash.
Noob: /ask What does cash do?
Plugin: You can buy and sell stuff with your cash.
The Properties:
These are functions of the properties listed in in the plugins/Ask folder. useRegex: Use regex when comparing. deafultAnswer: The text displayed if no answers appear.
Using Ask:
- Note commands listed in approximate rank required, actual rank may change based on your server. Type /ask ? to see all of the commands available to you.
For askers and above:
- To ask a question type /ask [question]
/ask How do I use ask?
For moderators and above:
- To remind someone how to use ask, type /ask r
- To set the message, type /ask r set [New reminder]
For Admins and above:
- To view the next unanswered question, type /ask add next
- To add an answer to the list, type /ask add [new answer] *Note: must be in the proper format. Example: /ask add What/life/meaning/Go ask Siri.
- If while doing this, you get a question without an answer, type /ask remove to remove it. This is handy for questions like "w389hrjh38wfj 8w3f9 j"
- Put Ask.jar into your plugins folder
- Run the server to create the config files.
- Open answers.txt and in plugins/Ask
- Add your own Answers to the text file.
- Change configuration as needed.
- type /ask reload or /reload to restart ask or the server respectively.
Note: This is in Beta. If anything dosen't work, please leave a ticket. There will be future versions with added features.
Planned Features
Planned Features are listed here:
Good plugin. I
hopelike you for making this xD!how do i download mods and texture packs in MINECRAFT?
HELP says ''Fatal error occured (2)"
I'm new to this fourm thing. LOOL I'm so sorry to be a bother but when i clicked force update then enter game on my minecraft it says " Fatal error occured (4)" Failed to download lwjgl.jar" What do i do to fix it ):
You first see if the answer is on google, next you try sending an error to mojan but by now, its probably fixed.
I might be interested in helping you with this. I get asked literally 100 questions a day in game, and many times it is the same ones over and over. I almost decided to use spoutcraft's ability to make macros just for as often as I have to repeat myself.
But if you need a server to test it on, let me know.
I keep having issues with the formatting of your latest version. Maybe I am typing something wrong in the .txt file, but I tried the old / / / format and the | | | format and I can't seem to get the right answers to come up.
I know it is like Mod/How/be/You are too new, no way I make you a mod.
Also, I wonder if you could make a small GUI so we can just type the questions in normal english and then click on the words to select them for the formatting.
Like = How can I be a Mod? (we would click HOW , MOD) etc and define it that way. Obviously this seems excessive but it would be handy, especially since I seem to not get it to answer the questions. I do many trial and error sort of things to figure stuff out before I bother the comments section on a plugin, so maybe you can take a looksie sometime, my server is listed in my sig. Thanks again!
EDIT = DERP I think I didn't notice the case sensitive nature of the questions. I got a few to work :) But I am still here if you need a test server, just send me a PM on Bukkit.
Thanks for the feedback!
That's a really good idea, is having a few preset answers set aside for common questions like that. Of course, there is the /ask r command to let them know where their question may be answered, but it would be really nice to have it answered seconds after you ask it. I don't really know how fast the answer finding algorithm is, because the answer library on my test server is quite small, so in order to make it go faster the answers for chat would have to be in a separate file. This would also decrease the number of incorrect random answers. What do you think?
Thanks again to the idea! It has been added to the planned features list.
Hello Geekygenius. I was reading into these plugins to do exactly that, pick questions out of chat and answer them, But I believe I understand your dilema.
Basically you have a feature conflict in your plugin. First part is that you have un answered questions recorded so that the admin can later create answers for them. Because of this feature, picking up on chat requests would be difficult because every line would be a potential unanswered question.
I basically have some common questions that are asked over and over in different ways that I want an answer provided via chat on. For instance "where can i build?" "can I have build rights?" both those questions must be compared to a list of predefined questions, if its in there, the response "To build x or z must be greater then 256 or less then -256, your at spawn"
So I think if you want to collect unanswered questions, you wont be able to do it without something like ?How do I... . but if you were to only have predefined questions that it should be possibile, but obviously the server willbe comparing every chat line typed to the yaml file the with phrases in it.
Hope this feedback helps.
Thinking about it, I could have an optional feature where it looks for a question in chat, I don't know how laggey this might get, so I would need a public test server, contact me if you want to help out and get a special build of ask!
I've thought about that, but the plugin would need some way to tell the difference between, "Can I have some diamonds?" and "How do you earn money?" So far, my thought it to have some kind of syntax in the question, like "?How do you get money". Please let me know what you think is a good way to do this, I want to, but don't know how!
Would it be possible to implement so that they don't need to type the command? I.E if they type in chat. Player: What is the website again? Plugin: (broadcasts it)
Hey, thanks for asking me a question, I know some people are embarrassed to, but you shouldn't. First off, All of your "answers" need to be on a separate line, second, if the "useregex" is set to true, you can combine those answers into
Onto the error though, assuming the answers are on separate lines, I would have to see the question to know for sure, but fixing the answer file should fix the issue. The problem is the plugins fault, and the issue should be fixed for the next release, and spout shouldn't have anything to do with this, the entire plugin has more Java related action then Minecraft related ones.
Sorry for getting back to you so late, I don't check very often, the ticket system works well too.
Good Luck, and have fun with the plugin!
Hmm, I seem to be getting an error whenever a player asks a valid question (if invalid it will just display the default "try asking again properly..." answer. This is my error:
2011-12-24 09:07:45 [SEVERE] null org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'ask' in plugin Ask v0.4b at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand( at at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a( at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a( at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a( at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b( at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a( at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a( at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w( at at Caused by: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.checkForComodification(Unknown Source) at java.util.AbstractList$ Source) at at com.thevoxelbox.command.vCommand.execute( at com.thevoxelbox.command.vCommand.execute( at gg.ask.Ask.onCommand( at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ... 14 more
My answers.txt looks like this:
economy/Is/there,money,system/Unfortunately we do not currently have any sort of money system. money/How/get,money,economy,obtain/Unfortunately we do not currently have any sort of money system.
Using the 0.4 version with the 1.0.1 Build. It mentioned something about spout in the error, is it conflicting with my spout plugin or something?
Yes, yes indeed.
So wait, basically, It will recognize certain questions and respond to them with the corresponding answers we put in our answers.txt file? If so, that is freaking awesome. I will test this plugin out later :)
Hey, just wanted to let you know that I will be releasing Ask v0.4b once the RB of bukkit for MC 1.0.0 comes out. The programming is done, I'm just waiting for the RB.