Version 2.3 is now available!
AShops allows players to sell and buy items with a chest. Unlike many other shop plugins, it doesn't use signs to represent a shop offer. Instead, it uses chest inventories and item descriptions and thereby makes possible to sell or buy (or both) items of different types using only a single chest. It means less chests and time spent on creating shops. Using description as an offer details source makes shopping also more friendly than reading a raw text from a sign, and by representing an offer as a real item, not only it is easier to find what you need, but it also allows you to sell/buy the exact item you have in your inventory, with all data it contains.
(prepared by Lambert from Bosnia and Herzegovina)
What's new in 2.0?
- New shop interface! You don't have to use commands anymore. (see the next section for more info)
- Transaction notifications work even when a shop owner is offline.
- + old features: income taxes, shops limits, minimal price limits, server shop account.
How to use the new interface?
- To create a new shop you have to place a chest and attach a sign to it or above it. For a player shop set first line to :as:, for a server shop: :ass:.
- To manage your shop (add offer, open/close it, remove it) shift-right-click on the sign and use menu icons. Read icon descriptions for more info on manager options.
- To sell/buy items from other players' shops left click on a shop sign and then on an item you want to buy/sell. Read icons' descriptions for more info on trade options.
- To load/collect items from/to your shop left click on a shop sign and then on an offer's icon. If you manage other players' shops or server shops, you will have to use a right mouse button to manage an offer.
- You still can use commands to create and manage shops. Use /ashops command to list all available commands.
How to install this plugin?
- Place AShops.jar file in the /plugins/ folder.
- Set database to MySQL in the bukkit.yml file in a server main directory.
database: username: userName isolation: SERIALIZABLE driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver password: databasePassword url: jdbc:mysql://hostName/databaseName
- Make sure you set the following properties to the correct values: username, password, url.
- ashops.operator - a set of permissions for a server operator.
- ashops.manager - allows to: create a new player shop for other players.
- ashops.player - a set of permissions for a player.
- ashops.servershop - allows to: create a server shop.
- ashops.playershop - allows to: create a player shop.
- - allows to: buy items from shops; buy items in own shops if a player has also permission to create one.
- ashops.sell - allows to: sell items to shops; sell items in own shops if a player has also permission to create one.
- - allows to: create player shops for free.
- ashops.unlimited - allows to: create create any number of player shops.
- ashops.anyitem - allows to: sell or buy any item.
- ashops.anyprice - allows to: sell or buy items for any price.
To the Users of previous versions
AShops 2.0 is not backward compatible. We changed a database system to more reliable one and now we have to use other structure of tables. AShops doesn't support a flat files storage system anymore - now it works only with MySQL databases and, hopefully, it will support SQLite soon. All features that used WorldEdit will be released as a separate file.
Please upgrade to 1.7.4
The verion number musn't mean that it will not works on newer craftbukkit. Feel free to check this by yourself.
Configuration in bukkit.yml has been non set, or something is wrong with mysql server or mysql connection.
Currently no video tutorial how to config this plugin. The plugin configuration similar to the other mysql plugins like log-block, hawk eye and many others, but you need to set mysql settings in bukkit.yml instead of plugin's config.yml. Check "How to install this plugin?" for more details. If you need further informations - feel free to ask via PM.
This plugin much likely will not works with versions below 1.6.2. In 1.5.2 and previous version craftbukkit had many bugs with mysql/sql serialization process etc. Most of them has been fixed in 1.6.X. Unfortunately, noone at the moment can compile this plugin for 1.4.7. It's pretty old version of MC and much likely not so many people will be interested in ashops for 1.4.7. I don't know java and I can't do this.
If someone could make this plugin work with minecraft 1.4.7 i will make a tutorial on how to set up mySQL for this :) It doesnt load with errors and works untill i place a sign. then it faults. (Could not pass event SignChangeEvent,PlayerInteractEvent, and a couple more. I have a feeling it is 1.4.7 causing this) but if someone would do that then i can explain a tutorial on how to install Mysql
your MYSQL is not set up
I do have the economy plugin and i dont really know how to set up the files in the bukkit.yml i need help on it is there a way u guys could make a tutuorial or send me something please?
2014-01-08 01:50:34 [INFO] [AShops] Enabling AShops v2.3 2014-01-08 01:50:35 [INFO] runScript 2014-01-08 01:50:35 [INFO] executing 1 of 15 create table as_p_shops ( id integer(9) auto_increment no... 2014-01-08 01:50:35 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling AShops v2.3 (Is it up to date?) javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Error: Error executing stmt[create table as_p_shops ( id integer(9) auto_increment not null, world_name varchar(20) not null, x integer(5) not null, y integer(5) not null, z integer(5) not null, owner_name varchar(17) not null, constraint pk_as_p_shops primary key (id)) ] error[Table 'as_p_shops' already exists] at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.ddl.DdlGenerator.runScript( at at pl.austindev.ashops.AShops.prepareTables( at pl.austindev.ashops.AShops.onEnable( at at at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.CraftServer.loadPlugin( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugins( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71243_i( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71222_d( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a( at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( at at Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error executing stmt[create table as_p_shops ( id integer(9) auto_increment not null, world_name varchar(20) not null, x integer(5) not null, y integer(5) not null, z integer(5) not null, owner_name varchar(17) not null, constraint pk_as_p_shops primary key (id)) ] error[Table 'as_p_shops' already exists] at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.ddl.DdlGenerator.runStatement( at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.ddl.DdlGenerator.runStatements( at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.ddl.DdlGenerator.runScript( ... 14 more Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'as_p_shops' already exists at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source) at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance( at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.getInstance( at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException( at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket( at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket( at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand( at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect( at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL( at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeInternal( at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.execute( at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.lib.sql.ExtendedPreparedStatement.execute( at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.ddl.DdlGenerator.runStatement( ... 16 more
Hmm, well it says version 0.5 is only updated to 1.5.2, yet I've seen another server have the same options and abilities that's currently 1.6.4
1.) this menu was introduced in version 2.X, in versions from 0.1 do 0.5 it was one-click buy/sell, with possibility to buy 16 items at once by right click, and 64 with shift + LPM.
Austin has added this for better plugin performance (but I don't really believie that it was really neccesary - I didn't noticed any lags in older versions).
At the moment - no chances to disable this feature...
2.) It was also possible in versions from 0.1 to 0.5, to be honest - I don't know why. Probably to make the plugin code more simplicity, or just it was bugged somehow.
3.) this feature also isn't available in 2.X. In previous versions it was possible by some tricks (WE copy command and ashops command /arepair) now it's impossible. But officialy - it wasn't, and currently isn't supported by plugin itself via simple command.
In my (honest) opinion as plugin tester - previous versions were much better, in 2.X many things were deleted and more simply, probably only to make plugin code more clear, or just austin was too lazy to make this plugin better. Version 0.5 is the best one actually available, but is a little buggy and I don't know if it still work with 1.7.2 or 1.6.4. Check both of them and choose better one. But please note - There are no possibility to move database from version 0.X to 2.X and from 2.X to 0.X - also, 0.X isn't supported anymore. (But with current situation... 2.X also isn't supported at the moment, austin don't have enought time to improve this plugin)...
Hello there, I just have a few questions I was hoping you could answer, considering both me and a few other users are wondering these questions.
1.) How do I make it so that instead of having to choose the amount you want to sell, it's a 1 click and it automatically sells only 1, without having to go through that pesky menu.
2.) How can I make it so that I only have to click the chest to be able to access the shop, instead of having to click the sign.
3.) I want multiple shops around the server each containing the same items as the others, yet I can't create a multitude of the same one by copying and pasting it with World Edit. Is there anyway to do so, or do I have to re-create the same shop over and over and over?
Thanks, and I hope you can answer these small questions I have as fast as you can! I downloaded the plugin just today and I'm already loving it, being able to change those two things would be even greater!
You probably haven't done configuration in bukkit.yml.
Check "How to install this plugin?" section. You must have mysql database to get this plugin work.
1.6.2 version of vault isn't problem here - 1.6.2 and 1.6.4 are almost the same. Do you have also an economy plugin?
Please help me when i put vault and ashops into my plugins folder I'm running 1.6.4 ashops and 1.6.2 vault because there is no 1.6.4 so yea and when i start my server it says i have the plugin but none of the commands work and i gave myself the permissions and it still wont let me do it all i did was download the files and place them into my plugins folder, did i do something wrong? Please Help!
Is there a way to make a stack available for sale, for example a stack of 64 cobblestone?
It's possible in current versions - open your shop normally with right click on the sign, klick on the item and new menu will appear. Choose an icon (probably second) to collect items from the slot, and after that click on the lava bucket icon (last one) - it should remove item from the shop.
Hello I would just like to say this is my fav shop plugin and i love it
the only suggestion i have is it would be good if you were able to remove individual items without having to reset the entire shop because sometimes i will make a mistake on just one item and i would then have to do them all over again
I really want to use this plugin, but i'm afraid for a inactive development. But i''ll have to trust you, going to use this soon.
Austin just don't have enought time to update this plugin and he just didn't login since very long time. But he's still "alive" and I can contact with him anytime. Don't worry.
In next few weeks or months will be no new (major) versions of this plugin, if someone find an critical or major bug, then austin will release an quick fix then.
I'm not an author of this plugin and I don't know java and I can't release any new versions.
Current version (2.3) much likely works with newest 1.7.2 bukkit builds (on my configuration everything seems to work), and build compiled with 1.7.2 isn't really neccesary in my opinion. If something isn't working good (it's unlikely, but I haven't tested every single function of ashops on 1.7.2), it may be also fault of incomplete bukkit API in current 1.7.2 builds.
I know that current configuration system of ashops suck, but noone can change it at the moment - this change needs a huge rewrite of plugin code.
Author hasn't logged in since Oct 1. :(
So sad, I love this shop.
Update? Is this plugin still alive? ;)
Is there a way so when selling it only sells one and you can't chose the quantity of how many you wish to sell, eg 1 click = 1 sell thanks!
@Ishkabibbble Pretty sure you can edit the shop size in the config. Also is there a way to just click the chest to open the shops as I can only click the sign? Cheers!
Running into an issue where one of my players is only able to put 27 potions for sale in his shop. Is there a way to bypass this limit? Or perhaps add support for double chests?