
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

starVersion 2.3 is now available!

AShops allows players to sell and buy items with a chest. Unlike many other shop plugins, it doesn't use signs to represent a shop offer. Instead, it uses chest inventories and item descriptions and thereby makes possible to sell or buy (or both) items of different types using only a single chest. It means less chests and time spent on creating shops. Using description as an offer details source makes shopping also more friendly than reading a raw text from a sign, and by representing an offer as a real item, not only it is easier to find what you need, but it also allows you to sell/buy the exact item you have in your inventory, with all data it contains.

shop view 1shop view 2

(prepared by Lambert from Bosnia and Herzegovina)

What's new in 2.0?

  • New shop interface! You don't have to use commands anymore. (see the next section for more info)
  • Transaction notifications work even when a shop owner is offline.
  • + old features: income taxes, shops limits, minimal price limits, server shop account.

How to use the new interface?

  • To create a new shop you have to place a chest and attach a sign to it or above it. For a player shop set first line to :as:, for a server shop: :ass:.
  • To manage your shop (add offer, open/close it, remove it) shift-right-click on the sign and use menu icons. Read icon descriptions for more info on manager options.
  • To sell/buy items from other players' shops left click on a shop sign and then on an item you want to buy/sell. Read icons' descriptions for more info on trade options.
  • To load/collect items from/to your shop left click on a shop sign and then on an offer's icon. If you manage other players' shops or server shops, you will have to use a right mouse button to manage an offer.
  • You still can use commands to create and manage shops. Use /ashops command to list all available commands.

How to install this plugin?

  1. Place AShops.jar file in the /plugins/ folder.
  2. Set database to MySQL in the bukkit.yml file in a server main directory.
  username: userName
  isolation: SERIALIZABLE
  driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  password: databasePassword
  url: jdbc:mysql://hostName/databaseName
  • Make sure you set the following properties to the correct values: username, password, url.


  • ashops.operator - a set of permissions for a server operator.
  • ashops.manager - allows to: create a new player shop for other players.
  • ashops.player - a set of permissions for a player.
  • ashops.servershop - allows to: create a server shop.
  • ashops.playershop - allows to: create a player shop.
  • - allows to: buy items from shops; buy items in own shops if a player has also permission to create one.
  • ashops.sell - allows to: sell items to shops; sell items in own shops if a player has also permission to create one.
  • - allows to: create player shops for free.
  • ashops.unlimited - allows to: create create any number of player shops.
  • ashops.anyitem - allows to: sell or buy any item.
  • ashops.anyprice - allows to: sell or buy items for any price.

To the Users of previous versions

AShops 2.0 is not backward compatible. We changed a database system to more reliable one and now we have to use other structure of tables. AShops doesn't support a flat files storage system anymore - now it works only with MySQL databases and, hopefully, it will support SQLite soon. All features that used WorldEdit will be released as a separate file.



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