Armored Elytra
This page is no longer being updated! Please go HERE instead.
This is a very simple plugin that allows you to combine an elytra with a chest plate in an anvil.
For the fastest response, post a message HERE, or even better, join our Discord!
Support on this site will be very slow to non-existent!
The result will be an armored elytra.
Armored elytras offer the same amount of protection as a diamond chest plate and they can have the same enchantments as well. This means that you can add protection, fire protection etc to the armored elytra as well.
List of features:
- Combine an elytra with any type of chest plate armor to create an armored elytra! It will have the same amount of armor as the type of armor it was combined with!
- Supports enchantments.
- Configurable list of allowed enchantments (and curses).
- Configurable repair cost.
- Permissions for giving / wearing different tiers of armored elytras.
- Add enchantments using enchanted books.
- Receive notification when the plugin is out-of-date.
- Permissions support.
- Configurable messages, elytra names and elytra lores.
- Receive a message if the plugin is out of date (unless disabled in the config!)
- Uninstaller for when you no longer want to use this plugin.
I am always looking to improve upon this plugin, so if you have any tips, ideas or requests, let me know! I'll be happy to help!
NOTE: Armored elytras will remain in the world even after uninstalling this plugin, please use the uninstall feature if you want to uninstall this plugin.
NOTE2: By default, this plugin checks if there are any updates available. If the version you are using is found to be outdated, you will receive a message in the console (and upon logging in if you have the armoredelytra.admin permission node). The update checking can be disabled in the config file.
NOTE3: By default, this plugin will send anonymised stats using bStats. If you would like to disable this (even though it barely takes any resources from the server and it's anonymised), you can do so in the config of this plugin or in bStats' config file. A full list of all data being sent can be viewed here. No additional data is gathered by this resource.
- Nothing, let me know if there's anything you want included!
- Very rarely the end product does not show up (or an invalid one does), refreshing the inventory will make it show up though. You can refresh your inventory by clicking anywhere or by taking out and putting back in either the elytra or the armor.
- Crafting Armored Elytras of the chain tier results in a golden Armored Elytra.
If you decide you no longer want to use this plugin, simply removing the ArmoredElytra.jar from your plugins directory will not get rid of any Armored Elytras on your server. Instead, you will want to enable to uninstall feature of this plugin, which can be done in the config.
The way this feature works is by checking player inventories upon login and chest inventories when they are accessed and remove any Armored Elytras it can find. This means that you will need to keep this plugin installed to keep it uninstalled... Though it won't affect server performance much, if at all, as pretty much the entire plugin is disabled while in uninstall mode. Before enabling this option, please do not forget to make a backup!
P.S.: I'd like to make some more plugins, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what would be great / useful additions to the Minecraft community, as I don't play the game myself :p. So, if you have any plugin requests / ideas, don't hesitate to send me a PM. If your idea sounds like fun, I'll probably make it :D
Will this be updating to Minecraft 1.16.1 any time soon? If so, is there an ETA?
In reply to Forge_User_78024642:
This page isn't updated anymore. 1.16 support was added in 2.4.14 last week, which you can find HERE.
How do I give people permissions to use them? I don't know how to use a "node"
Yan you add mending support ?
The profile Settings language file does not work.How do we do this?
In reply to afkavril:
The permissions commands don't seem to work. The prompt gives you either /armoredelytra <user> <tier> or /armoredelytra:armoredelytra <user> <tier> which just gives that user that tier. Even if I give one to someone it still says they don't have permission to wear it.
Is there a way to give everyone permission to wear any tier?
In reply to Redbullzombie17:
In reply to pim16aap2:
In reply to Redbullzombie17:
Just give the "armoredelytra.wear.*" (without quotation marks) to any group you'd like to allow wearing any type of armored elytra. If you want to allow them to craft armored elytras as well, give them "armoredelytra.craft.*" as well. You can also replace the "*" in these permission nodes by any tier. So if you only want to give a certain group access to crafting leather tier armored elytras, give that group the "armoredelytra.craft.leather" node.
In reply to pim16aap2:
In reply to pim16aap2:
In reply to Redbullzombie17:
In reply to pim16aap2:
In reply to Redbullzombie17:
In reply to pim16aap2:
love this plugin will you be updating it to 1.13 soon ?
In reply to Stuee147:
In reply to pim16aap2:
In reply to Stuee147: