Futbol is a realistic soccer plugin for Bukkit using the BattleArena API. Players can left-click and "kick" an item or "ball" into a goal to score points. After a team scores a goal they will not be able to kick the ball for a configurable amount of time, or until the opposing team touches/kicks the ball. The team with the highest score at the end of the time limit wins. Rewards can be given to the winning and losing teams. Players can form teams, and even join tournaments. If the arena is in use, the players are kept in the queue and will join when one opens up. Server admin have the option of using BattleTracker to track win:loss records.
New Features
- Ball Physics
- Particle trails
- Put BattleArena.jar into your plugins folder.
- Put ArenaFutbol.jar into your plugins folder.
Field Setup
- /futbol or /fb
- /fb create <arena name> Create arena and set team 1 spawn
- /fb alter <arena name> 2 Set team 2 spawn
- /fb alter <arena name> 3 Set center of field for ball
- Spawns can now be set by team. /fb alter <arena name> <team #> <spawn #>
- Goal Blocks changed in v0.4.1
- In the goal team one is shooting at place Stone blocks under wooden pressure plates
- In the goal team two is shooting at place Cobblestone blocks under wooden pressure plates
- /futbol or /fb
- /fb join
- /fb leave
- /fb ball Set the item you are holding as the ball.
- /fb balltimer <Seconds> Set how long a team cannot kick the ball after a goal.
- /fb pitch <int> Adjust angle of kick must be between 0 and 90 degrees. example: /fb pitch 15
- /fb maxpitch <int> Set max angle of kick must be between 0 and 90 degrees. example: /fb maxpitch 90
- /fb power <double> Set power of kick must be 2.0 or less. 1.0 = 100% example: /fb power 1.4
- arena.Futbol.join
- arena.Futbol.leave
- BattleArena - version or higher
- BattleTracker - Optional
Source is on GitHub.
Hello. Can u help me please. I have installed arena and use all commands of guide but when game is started arena haven't ball. I don't know what i was doing wrong. Thanx!
i love this plugins full abandon by her creators...
PLZ Update to 1.7.4!!
The plugin isnt updated to 1.6.4 D:
on the 1.6.2 nothing happens when you hit the ball in goal T_T
bukkit 1.6.4 goal not work ! look:::

i have this too
hi i want to ask you when i use the arena futbol plugin but when i kick into the goal it nothing happening please answer.
when is a fix coming for ball going away and leaving futbol match bug (when goal is scored u get tp'd back into the game and the spawn)
Any reset ball comand?
The ball keeps diappearing all the time.. It has been suggested to add secondToLoot:10 in the config.. Morrango, do you mean BattleArenas config.yml? It will affect the other games as well then.. Or do you mean adding this line to ArenaFutbol config? Please answer, I've been having this issue for a very long time now.. :(
Hey, so now plugin works, but does not goals and lists the table players who do not play at all, and have eg 2 goals.
@NomisCZ Hey, so now plugin works, but does not goals and lists the table players who do not play at all, and have eg 2 goals.
@morrango BattleArena_v3., later is not ... Plugin do not count goals ...
What version of battle arena are you using.BattleArena version has Fixes for match join requirements. Let me know if you are still having issues.
Hello, plugin does not work on 1.6.2. When you create an arena does not command / fb join. The arena test does not match your requirements join. A must reload the plugin.
Would you update to 1.6.2 ?
If this plugin truly is made to hook into the BattleArena API, then yes. Every other gamemode works this way.
I started using this plugin just while ago. Can I change it to queue type? Is it just rewrite joinType: Queue?
Add to config.yml ?