


/ag info
Displays information about the area, in which player is standing.
/ag info area_name
Displays information about the area area_name.
/ag list
Lists areas owned by player.
/ag guests area_name
Displays guests of the area area_name.
/ag addguest area_name guest guest2 ...
Adds guests guest, guest2, ... to the area area_name.
/ag delguest area_name guest guest2 ...
Removes guests guest, guest2, ... from the area area_name.
/ag rename area_name new_area_name
Renames area area_name to new_area_name.
/ag gift player area_name
Gives area area_name to player player.
/ag usable area_name
Toggles area area_name usable flag (enables/disables minecarts and mechanisms usage by other players).
/ag expand value
Expands selection, in the direction player's looking at, by value blocks (use negative value to reduce selection). Proper directions are: north, south, west, east, up, down.
/ag expand value where
Expands selection, in the where direction, by value blocks (use negative value to reduce selection).
/ag gather
Buys (for exp) tokens in amount sufficient to pay for currently selected area (and automatically buys one token more, if rounding function tries to mess the transaction up).
/ag earn amount
Buys amount of tokens for the cost of experience points.
/ag funds
Displays information about tokens amount, which player possess.
/ag give player amount
Gives amount of tokens to the player player.
/ag cost
Displays cost of protecting area, which is currently selected by right and left-clicking opposite corners with wooden shovel.
/ag buy area_name guest guest_1 guest_2 ...
Buys protection, named area_name, for area, which is currently selected by right and left-clicking opposite corners with wooden shovel. Optionally adds guests guest, guest_1, guest_2, ... to guest list of the new area.
/ag sell area_name
Removes protection called area_name and pays back tokens spent for it.
/ag extend area_name
Resizes protection, called area_name to the area, which is currently selected by right and left-clicking opposite corners with wooden shovel. This command charges or pays back proper amount of tokens, depends on size of the new area in relation to the old one.
/ag help
Displays in-game AreaGuard help.
/ag cmdshelp
Displays in-game AreaGuard, commands-related, help.
/ag tokhelp
Displays in-game AreaGuard, tokens-commands-related, help.


/ag ophelp
Displays in-game AreaGuard operator's help.
/ag tokophelp
Displays in-game AreaGuard, tokens-related, operator's help.
/ag info area_name player
Displays information about the area area_name owned by player.
/ag list player
Lists areas owned by player player.
/ag guests player area_name
Displays guests of the area area_name, owned by player.
/ag add area_name guest guest_1 guest_2 ...
Adds protection, named area_name, for area, which is currently selected by right and left-clicking opposite corners with wooden shovel. Optionally adds guests guest, guest_1, guest_2, ... to guest list of the new area.
/ag resize area_name
Resizes protection, called area_name to the area, which is currently selected by right and left-clicking opposite corners with wooden shovel.
/ag del player area_name
Removes protection owned by player and called area_name.
/ag donate player amount
Donates player player with amount of tokens.
/ag pvp area_name player
Toggles area area_name, owned by player, PVP flag (enables/disables PVP in that area).
/ag takeover player area_name
Changes owner of protection called area_name and owned by player to command sender.
/ag funds player
Displays information about tokens amount, which player player possess.
/ag levy player amount
Decreases player player tokens amount by amount.


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