
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Archer is a plugin that allows you to set up target signs for archery practice and contest, then notifies you about players hiting the sign. This was made because of the annoying vanilla client bug that lets arrows shift up after hitting a block. The plugin will inform about players hitting, accuracy and shooting distance.

Fridays plugin !
(Actually it was a bit of saturday and sunday, instead.)

Maintenance Phase

Due to timing constraints i can't add much more, though keeping it updated and some small things might still be possible. Do mind the contest commands with full tab completion (all properties can be set in the contests file as well for preset contests, but from in-game you can only create temporary contests). Contests in the file need a name till, though.

Reference: Instructions

  • Do mind that players have to use '/archer notify' to toggle participation in shooting or receiving notifications.
    Permission (superperms only): archer.notify
  • A sign must have the following lines (small letters, no spaces, configurable!):
    • ooooo
    • ooxxxoo
    • ooxxxoo
    • ooooo
  • I did my best with the precision of the corrected hitting position for the moment, it is not perfect, but should about do it.

Coming next: Target signs with names.

Later additions might be archery games for pvp-like scenarios (not necessarily with damage involved) and more distinct target setups including naming of targets and defining individual side conditions for valid shots.



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