Advanced Permissions Order

Only effective in AntiShare 5.1.0 and up

With the new deny permissions (Such as AntiShare.deny.block-break) also comes a new system.

Before, AntiShare would check if the player was allowed to use the event, then check if they were affected by a Game Mode permissions (AntiShare.affect.<gamemode>). Now, AntiShare does the following:

  • Check to see if the player is allowed to use the item (if applicable, AntiShare.allow.<event>.<item ID/name> permission)
  • Check to see if the player is NOT allowed to use the item (if applicable, AntiShare.deny.<event>.<item ID/name> permission)
  • Check to see if the player is allowed to use the event (AntiShare.allow.<event> permission)
  • Check to see if the player is NOT allowed to use the event (AntiShare.deny.<event> permission)
  • Check to see if the player is affected by a Game Mode permission (AntiShare.affect.<gamemode> permission)

This is simply informational, and has no real impact on server use.


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