
# ----------------------------------- #
#     Anti MineChat Configuration     #
# ----------------------------------- #
#     Prevent the use of MineChat     #
# ----------------------------------- #

# Should the player be kicked for saying certain phrases when logging in?
PhraseKick: false

# List of kick phrases.
# You can add as many as you like. An example has been given to you.
  - 'connected with an iPod touch using MineChat'

# Should the player have to move before being able to speak or run commands?
MoveToSpeak: false
MoveToCommand: false

# Customise the error messages for attempting to speak and run commands.
# Supports formatting codes, use '&'.
SpeakError: "&cYou need to move before you can speak."
CommandError: "&cYou need to move before you can run commands."

# If the player doesn't move for a certain amount of time after logging in, should they be kicked?
MoveKick: false

# How long until they should be kicked? (time in ticks) 20 ticks = 1 second
MoveKickTime: 1200

# Customise AntiMineChat's kick message.
# This will apply for any kick throughout the plugin.
# Supports formatting codes, use '&'.
KickMessage: "&cMineChat is disabled on this server."


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