A lot of these features look similar to the content found on Dungeon Realms. Still I wish you luck on the plugin, if you ever bring out a download I'll be sure to check it out.
Just upload the plugin. i dont care about getting classes yet. just want the main features that it has displayed, like health system. custom items. pets. bank, money, and last repair. so plz just upload it and make the classes for next update.
Can it hook into a Vault economy? Like for my server I'm using CraftConomy 3 and don't want players to Switch economies and have to regain their money.
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... Developers...are you out there??
??? What's happening to this plugin?
Is this plugin discontinued?
sounds cool. I mainly just want mobs with levels though.
i have 3 things to say about the plugin.
1. this looks really cool and i can't wait till they release it. :D
2.WHEN are u going to make an update, it has been almost 4 months sense u created it and it still hasn't been updated
3. for all that i know this really reminds me of the plugins that dungeon realms uses, minus some but still it really dose.
Journey to the worlds edge? because else he must have gone to the moon, for the long journey?
Any update? :)
A lot of these features look similar to the content found on Dungeon Realms. Still I wish you luck on the plugin, if you ever bring out a download I'll be sure to check it out.
Noo lol.I'm just waiting Grumm2.
is discontinued?
The main developer is on a journey so yeah..
I honestly would love this to multi-world compatible that would be amazing for my server.
Great Idea Can't Wait <3
UPLOAD!! the plugin please
Looks Vvery nice, If it´s ready pls inform me ;-)
my Server is a German RPG/ Mini-PvP Server with Towny Adventure und much of Npc Characters ^^
Just upload the plugin. i dont care about getting classes yet. just want the main features that it has displayed, like health system. custom items. pets. bank, money, and last repair. so plz just upload it and make the classes for next update.
ends your break please :C i need this plugin, is the best rpg plugin
Can you please update the post with the done things?
We are taking a break from .. this project( But we have almost finished it) We need just to add some classes and then DONE :P
Can it hook into a Vault economy? Like for my server I'm using CraftConomy 3 and don't want players to Switch economies and have to regain their money.