AntiCommandTab protects your server from Layer 1 CoPY-Cat attacks. Users will not be able to figure out your server plugins and through commands or [TAB].
- Blocks / [TAB]
- Blocks /ver [TAB]
- Blocks /version [TAB]
- Blocks /about [TAB]
- Blocks /pl and /plugins
- Blocks /about
- Blocks /version and /ver
- Blocks /?
- In the config.yml you can customize the deny message (chat format supported!)
- lib.commandtab.bypass - bypasses /[TAB] and commands
- This plugin requires ProtocolLib.
Comments are disabled to keep the project page clean. Please report issues on the Github issues tab for this project. For feature requests, feel free to private message them!
Greetings, one thing to note about that code, is that it doesn't ignore case. Therefore someone can do /PL and see the plugins. The method I used is .equalsIgnoreCase to distinguish that from .startsWith(). I left out /help because a plugin like essentials uses that.
:o I'll upload a new version soon.
I think you did the same fault as I...I forgot to say that I want to block everything that starts with /pl for example
The change would be very easy: (probably)
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL
public void onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event) {
if(!(e.getPlayer().hasPermission("messages.blocked-cmds") || p.isOp())) {
if (event.getMessage().equalsIgnoreCase("/plugins")
|| event.getMessage().startsWith("/pl")
|| event.getMessage().startsWith("/?")
|| event.getMessage().startsWith("/about")
|| event.getMessage().startsWith("/ver")
|| event.getMessage().startsWith("/help")
|| event.getMessage().startsWith("/version")) {
I have also added the command /help, /ver because they were missing.
Please upload a new version today :D because Im on holiday tomorrow and could need this.
This is true. Hmm, I'll work on a fix when I can. I'm developing a lot of plugins right now. I'd recommend negating the permission "" for now.
I've noticed that you can easily bypass being able to see the plugin list by doing:
/? <#>
The command /? is blocked, but if you put a number after it (which shows the help pages), players can look through all the help pages and see what plugins we have.
Wow great Plugin, thanks for this.
WOW!! Thx! Amazing! THXTHX :DDD
Best Plugin Hide Plugin!!
Allow the permission "bukkit.command.plugin". Don't worry, if you allow the permission they won't be able to see the plugins. This plugins message takes priority. :)
Yes, ok it works i dont know why??
But when i type /pl result:
1) This plugin is guaranteed to not break across versions (just tested works fine) 2) Verify you have the required dependency "ProtocolLib" 3) Verify you have reloaded your permissions file or that you are in the necessary group
The error you have encountered is a fault of your own. I just tested it on a private server. (See attached image)
Can u pls update to 1.6.2 ? the message from the config is not displayed...
and the permissions are not working...
Oh yes sry, I downloaded this already but forgot to restart!
The latest bukkit build hasn't even been approved yet. Click on "development builds" button above and use build #7 if you want it early.
I tested this with the latest build but it does not work
Thanks for the suggestion. I have uploaded a new version now applying the following:
Check my Jenkins (build #7) or wait for Bukkit to approve the file.
Please make it so that only people without permission X will get the deny message.
Because it should be possible for admins to review the plugins...
Great to see some activity again and a new author :D
I had to patch it for 1.5 myself ;)
Uploading version 2.1 with the following changes:
As always, early builds can be acquired at my Jenkins server (link above). If you want to wait for the official release, please allow bukkitdev some time to review the file.
Deny "bukkit.command.version" but allow the other permissions. I will work on a fix for that now.
The plugin is fine but if you put / version and tab, they can see the plugins. Not only that, if you put /PL , /PLUGINS or /VERSION in capitals also can see, would be nice to be able to fix this please. :D
Love it! :) +1