AntiCommandTab protects your server from Layer 1 CoPY-Cat attacks. Users will not be able to figure out your server plugins and through commands or [TAB].
- Blocks / [TAB]
- Blocks /ver [TAB]
- Blocks /version [TAB]
- Blocks /about [TAB]
- Blocks /pl and /plugins
- Blocks /about
- Blocks /version and /ver
- Blocks /?
- In the config.yml you can customize the deny message (chat format supported!)
- lib.commandtab.bypass - bypasses /[TAB] and commands
- This plugin requires ProtocolLib.
Comments are disabled to keep the project page clean. Please report issues on the Github issues tab for this project. For feature requests, feel free to private message them!
Version 2.6 uploaded with the following changes:
Interesting. I didn't even know /? [tab] was a thing. I'll work it into the next release.
Okay I have a big problem here. I tested this as a "member" rank on my server and when I type "/? [pressed tab key]" (which show's up as "/? Aliases") I still get a list of commands that my member's are not suppose to see.
Ok! Thanks a lot Sgtcaze :) Much appreciated.
This plugin depends on specific events within protocol lib. Without it, it won't even load.
Hey there! :)
I was wondering if this plugin would work with 'BKCommonLib' insead of 'ProtocolLib' or if anyone knows if these guys work together?
Thanks in advance! ^_^
Thanks. Fixed.
Your source code link is broken.
Uploaded version 2.5 with the following changes:
It will not block OPs from using these commands. If your OPs are in groups, then negate the permission in that group. I think that will accomplish what you want.
Will this block op's from using any command? Becuase that is what i need.
Do you have the most recent protocollib installed on your server?
1.6.2 Spigot
@yuvalthekingo This is possible through using a different plugin called UltraCommand.
All you have to do is create a new command: /gamemode. This will override the normal /gamemode command. As long as you don't assign this command anything such as text or console commands, nothing will happen. Note that I strongly recommend assigning it the text "Unknown command. Type "help" for help". ;)
Ultracommand works perfectly in conjunction with AntiCommandTab and I strongly recommend everyone to use both for ultimate server security.
Thank you for this amazing plugin,Libraryaddict and sgtcaze, we had a case of someone finding out plugins yesterday. This is precisely what our server needed. Kudos, keep up the great work!
nice plugin i like it very much.
but can i do that when a player does /gamemode 1 it doesnt do ANYTHING?
pms me please.
I'll look into it for a future update :D
Fantastic ideas everyone! I've uploaded version 2.4 with the following changes:
As always if you are OP, or have the permission above, you can bypass this filter
Great plugin so far, but I have a few requests. I cannot find a plugin that blocks /ver (tab) or /about (tab). Please add these to your plugin and then all of my plugins will be hidden with no way to get them.
Can you allow "/pl" but still block "/[TAB]" if you happen to use another plugin that fakes the plugin list?
Version 2.3 Uploaded with the following changes: