AntiCommandTab protects your server from Layer 1 CoPY-Cat attacks. Users will not be able to figure out your server plugins and through commands or [TAB].
- Blocks / [TAB]
- Blocks /ver [TAB]
- Blocks /version [TAB]
- Blocks /about [TAB]
- Blocks /pl and /plugins
- Blocks /about
- Blocks /version and /ver
- Blocks /?
- In the config.yml you can customize the deny message (chat format supported!)
- lib.commandtab.bypass - bypasses /[TAB] and commands
- This plugin requires ProtocolLib.
Comments are disabled to keep the project page clean. Please report issues on the Github issues tab for this project. For feature requests, feel free to private message them!
Just give everyone the negative permission... -
The users can /bukkit:help and can see all the plugins and the commands -.- sad... pls fix that :D
true =/
Opened up a ticket. Autocompletion for names is not working in build 34.
Thank You! :D +1
Sorry, didn't see your message. #34 on Jenkins should resolve this.
sgtcaze, he is correct. Not all servers have it, because some have custom bukkit builds.
On most servers, or to bypass the restrictions you can do the following: /bukkit:pl /bukkit:plugins /bukkit:?
Please fix this! - Ruben
Just tried it on a server, it says "Unknown command". Have you tested and confirmed this?
Apparently you can use /bukkit::?, /bukkit::help and /bukkit:plugins to get around the restrictions.
Version for 1.5.2 working?
Add java 6 support pls...
This is perfect
Version 3.4 uploaded with the following changes:
There's the problem :) So the gist of it is, Version 3.2 supports 1.6.4 and ProtocolLib 2.7.3. Version 3.3 supports 1.7.2 and ProtocolLib 3.0. You can find development builds (of ProtocolLib) on Aadnk's build server.
Hi, I had made sure I was deopped and made myselef guest during this to ensure it was accurate and done on more then 1 of my servers. I am using protocollib-2.7.3 which I believe is the latest , maybe I should use earlier version ?
Thanks, Pete
Might be the version of ProtocolLib you're using. Lots of things are shifting under Aadnk's codebase. If you can tell me which version you're using (either on bukkit or Jenkins) I can give it a go.
Either you have OP, or it's a glitch.
Hi , am using 1.7.2 This is great but still I can / tab ? I can see plugin is functioning as when I typ /pl /plugins /ver etc it is using the colors in your config folder. But I can def still do / tab which shows as /I after hitting tab key..
Any ideas ? I downloaded most recent version of this and protolib.
Thanks, pete
Version 3.3 has been uploaded with the following changes:
thx u soo much!