I'm sorry guys, right now my life is too occupied to be updating AntiBot right now and/or fixing things. The only thing slowing me down is a working 1.5.2 bot and other things, I don't have the time to create a bot for 1.5.2. This plugin operates fine on 1.5.2 because it only utilizes the Bukkit API.
The ultimate anti chat-spam protection plugin for Minecraft. It trolls users who use login spam tools like PWN4G3 and Paradigm.
AntiBot 4.0.4 has been released! Fixing some old bugs and a new option to disable AntiBot's bot protection a-lot easier!
AntiBot v4.0.4 - Download
Bukkit Thread:
This plugin uses variety of special techniques to block spam bots from joining your Minecraft Server. It blocks spammers by checking how many players join per second (EX: 12 players join in 5 seconds). If that statement is true, it will take action against those users (kick/send captcha).
It has Chat Spam protection. After a certain amount of chat messages are sent in less than x seconds, they're kicked from the server. This includes commands, and chat messages as well.
It also has other options, such as CAPTCHA, Chat Flow, Login Delay, Country Bans, and delayed start!
Chat Flow solves one of the most possible scenarios out there, when the bots bypass anti-chat spam protection! The name of this feature is practical to keeping your server chat from chat spam. Read the following scenario to get a better understanding of how it works.
Scenario - Before Chat Flow
This guy's Bob. He runs a popular PvP server. He loves the incoming traffic towards his server. But then, some angry guy finds your server and is angry for no apparent reason. So he opens his tools and begins sending 20 players or "bots" to your server, the bots then bypass your spam protection by sending 1 message every 2 seconds. The chat spam protection isn't doing anything and your server chat ends up getting spammed like crazy.
Scenario - With Chat Flow
Bob installed AntiBot and adjusted AntiBot's Chat Flow. The angry guy came around and once again, loaded his "bots" into the game and began running the same technique. But fortunately, AntiBot's chat flow kicked in and muted the entire server chat for 5 seconds (auto increments by 5 seconds each time chat flow detects spam). If Bob assigned antibot.voice to his staff, they would be able to talk regardless if the chat is muted or not. Bob then manually bans the bots and the day has been saved!
I had no better way of explaining chat flow besides this scenario.
CAPTCHA enforces users to solve a puzzle if they spam. It can also trigger a puzzle for everybody if Chat Flow detects spam, trigger puzzles for players that trigger the connection throttler, trigger puzzles for players detected by multiple account system, and trigger puzzles on every join.
Country Bans allows you to ban (or whitelist) countries into your server. This is perfect if you wish to make your country based minecraft server to only allow your country.
Delayed Start solves another problem, what if you restart the server with a bunch of players on, and basically when they all rejoin, AntiBot then detects bot spam and starts kicks everybody for no reason. This prevents that happening by disabling AntiBot for 60 seconds and re-enabling afterwards.
Login Delay allows you to resolve connection/disconnection flooding from the same player. Whenever a player rejoins the server in less than 10 seconds (configurable), they will be "temporarily banned" from rejoining until 10 seconds (configurable & a separate value in the config, they're not hand in hand) is up.
The best part? This plugin is configurable to your own hands. If my default settings don't work for your server, change them!
WARNING: Expect false positives if you install the plugin if your server gets over 20 connections a minute or is really populated.
Because BukkitDev requires approval. I've made a wget friendly URL you can use:
NEW NEW: You can now download development builds from H31IX's CI (Thank you so much).
Want to become a wizard and mess with sourcery?. Then go ahead and click me to go to the GitHub.
You can also find the plugin download in the GitHub as well.
You can find the Commands & Permissions here.
You can find the Configuration explanation here as well.
NOTICE: You don't have to edit your configuration. You should if you want optimal performance, though.
This plugin was not created after AntiPwnage or NoPwnage, this project started a year ago and was a private plugin for my Minecraft Server (
What I do/Requests
The first thing that came to mind when I was writing this plugin for release, I noticed that people will find that the commands portion of the plugin may not suffice their needs of a basic Anti Pwnage plugin. If this is the case, feel free to request it in a ticket or post a comment about it on here (However, I may miss it. So tickets is your best option.). I will reply to your request ASAP and see if it's a possibility or not. It will most likely be possible to add your idea to the plugin, so request it if you can!
I'm no longer going to give support for those who decide to use an outdated AntiBot build.
If you wish to receive proper help from me, I'd like for you to answer these questions in your response.
- What version and build (Original or modded) of CraftBukkit? What version of AntiBot are you using? Is it the latest? If not, then you are ineligible for support.
- What exactly happened ("Bots joined still after i installed.." is not what happened. Please give the exact time & the exact event that took place).
- What permissions plugin + version are you using? Did you assign any AntiBot permission nodes? To whom? What was the exact node? Where was it placed in your config (group wise). Did you test the permission with a permissions tester? (AntiBot will have one of these in the upcoming future).
- What was the status of AntiBot? (If you did your permissions correctly, you can type /antibot and it should tell you (By "System Status:") whether AntiBot is enabled or not).
- OPT Server logs of AntiBot in action.
- OPT (Completely Optional, but will speed the process of your help by thousands) Screenshots/Videos of the event that took place.
If you don't provide the information that isn't optional, you won't be replied to and may have your comment deleted.
Please explain?
prevents ip spamming?
I see. I'm using up to date essentials/group manager permissions. Some plugins must be conflicting with antibot. I'll have to do some testing, maybe try some other bukkit permission plugin. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.
If you looked correctly on the devbuild page, I have removed the Ops and Whitelist modes as they no longer served a purpose.
Now that my rebuild didn't fix the problem, I think the problem is actually your permissions plugin. It's either the fact it's completely broken, or whatever it may be.
I'd recommend switching to a different permissions plugin at this point, one that supports Bukkit Permissions. Now I would've recommended PermissionsEx, but it appears that it's currently broken. So go for Privileges or bPermissions.
Otherwise, it's how you are doing permissions. I'd recommend getting help elsewhere about your permission problems, because I'm 100% sure the permission code on this plugin works fine.
EDIT: Also, the Op/Whitelist stuff is no longer necessary because Ops will pass the permissions check anyways.
update on that rebuild:
Now im getting the 10 second delay :( probably because of the OpPerm setting being removed. Also the permission nodes doesn't work me..
I added the perms just for myself antibot.admin, antibot.logindelay, antibot.join, antibot.admin.basic. I also have myself in the white-list, still doesn't going back to the official v4.0.3.
thanks ur awesome :D
I deleted my old antibot folder and started off fresh. Now the thing is I don't see the permops or whitelist option anymore on the config.yml file.does it mean it's 'true/on' by default now?
Going to have a test build in a couple minutes.
EDIT: Here you go:
Somebody asked for this before and I rejected because it opened holes for stuff. I'll reconsider and add this feature.
EDIT: Woops, I inverted the responses.
please add protection - flood commands
/region info
/region info
/region info
I think I did the permissions right. I gave the player permission nodes: "antibot.logindelay| antibot.join| antibot.admin" I even tried it one by one, still no. Also I set the UseBukkitWhiteList to true, added their full name on it, it still does it..
But from what I can see it works only on me.. as the owner only? I have the antibot.admin, antibot.join, and antibot.logindelay perms, but if i add all the nodes on another person, it doesn't work...
I'm going to turn off the LoginDelay for now. it gets really annoying for other players/admins when they needed to reconnect.
Sounds like a problem with your permissions plugin then.
Give the player antibot.logindelay
If that doesn't work, then read above.
I just added the login delay permission node to the documentation incase you need this permission node again.
Yea i still get the error...I just checked it on one of the player with "antibot.admin" permission, he still gets the re-login delay and 10 second wait for logging in too fast..
I also tried giving the 'antibot.join' permission, he still gets the 10 second wait..
oh wow, great thanks :D I'll test it and report back.
EDIT: A new AntiBot release has been pushed. Please go update.
Confirmed. Working on it now.
I cant get the antibot.admin to work. I gave the permission to my trusted players, but they still get the 10 second delay join...I'm the owner and sometimes I get the 10 seconds delay as well..not all the time but sometimes..any fix for this?
Google "Paradigm" bot. It's free and not a virus.
Came across your NMS API comment in the build 2512 thread on Github, SuperSpy, and took a look at your plugins. :)
Fortunately I've never fallen victim to these types of attacks, I didn't know these types of bots were so readily available. I was recently thinking about something similar to stress test my new server before going live, though. Are there legitimate tools out there that essentially do what these attack programs do without the risk of trojans and viruses? A white-hat version, if you will, with features more suited to stress testing like walking and jumping instead of things that can hurt a server? If they exist I figured you'd be the one to know. :)
Try this development build
It should at-least calm things down (I haven't tested!)
using LWC
/cprivate - The alias of /lwc create private (or /lwc -c private), it creates a private protection.
/cpassword <password> - The alias of /lwc create password <password>, it creates a passworded protection.
/cpublic - The alias of /lwc create public, it creates a public protection
/cremove - Allows you to remove a protection you own (or if you're an LWC admin, any protection) - you must click on the protection after using /cremove in order to remove it.
/cunlock <password> - Allows you to attempt to gain access to a passworded protection after LWC tells you you attempted to open a password protection.
kinda only cremove and cprivate and cpublic are needed. Also all essentials commands like /home /back /top /jump ETC are getting you kicked. I've added essentials config (server side) teleport limit to 2 seconds/teleport so you could whitelist all essentials teleport commands
link to essentials commands/permissions page:
What are the commands to lock a chest?