Commands & Permissions
As you may know, I forgot to make a section for commands and permissions.
Now I will go ahead and show you magic that Kaikz is frightened of.
Note: These commands now work in Console.
I'll be honest, there is a crapload for such a simple plugin :( So I broke it down into categories for you!
NOTE: You can now use /ab instead of /antibot for commands.
Key: command - description - permissions required.
Informative Commands
These commands inform the user of information from AntiBot.
/antibot or /ab - Displays the version, inspired people, and a small random message (up to 20 of these things >_>) - Everybody can use this.
/antibot help - Displays the help menu ingame. - Requires basic administrative permissions.
/antibot info - Displays information on the current AntiBot status - Requires level 3 administrative permissions.
Functionality Commands
These commands control AntiBot and carry out small tasks.
/antibot flush - Flushes all the data in AntiBot. Not the configuration but pretty much anything in AntiBot storing player data. This means if your players are getting kicked for no reason, you can use this command to flush the data.
/antibot reload - Reload the configuration - Requires level 1 administrative permissions.
/antibot chatmute - Globally mutes chat for as long as you want.
/antibot on - Turn on AntiBot - Requires level 3 administrative permissions.
/antibot off - Turn off AntiBot - Requires level 3 administrative permissions.
Configuration Commands
Removed until further notice. May return soon.
Essential Commands
No pun intended, but these commands are the commands that are crucial to running AntiBot. They will help you in many situations.
Key: command - why
/antibot flush - Flushes all the data in AntiBot. Not the configuration but pretty much anything in AntiBot storing player data. This means if your players are getting kicked for no reason, you can use this command to flush the data.
/antibot chatmute - Globally mutes chat for as long as you want. This is extremely useful in many cases, if there is a current spambot invasion and AntiBot can't stop it, or if your server IP gets posted on a bad website/place, you can mute server chat before they even login!
/antibot off - Turn off AntiBot. If in worse case scenario, you can turn off AntiBot and then have your kicked players rejoin if it is a issue.
/antibot on - Turn on AntiBot. Once you're done, you can turn it back on.
Update: All permission nodes have to be lowercase or they won't work!
My permissions system uses "levels" to determine the privileges to the AntiBot system.
For example: If the command /antibot reload or /antibot info requires level 2 permissions, you can use the permission node "antibot.admin.basic" to give access to both these commands. Any level 3 commands (like /antibot toggle) would become unaccessible to him/her assigned with only that permission node. Instead, you give him/her the full version of the permission node "antibot.admin"
These permission nodes are Bukkit Permissions, this is just a weird way of coding my permissions.
Basic Setup
If you are here wondering where should you start.. This is the perfect section for it.
NOTE: You do not have to follow my tutorial. This is good if you are stuck.
For start, give antibot.join to your trusted users. This gives immunity to the AntiBot join/connection throttling protection. Do NOT give this to your guests. This will render the good portion AntiBot useless if you do.
Now that you have given join flooding immunity to your users, now let's setup who should get which permission nodes for your admins :)
antibot.admin.basic - Give this to your moderators, this gives them basic access to the plugin.
And finally, antibot.admin - Give these to your Administrators (LISTEN: If you have a "owner" rank or another rank for higher privileged users, this is good for your admins.)
Congratulations! You've set up your permissions for AntiBot! It's that easy.
If you wish, you can use the advanced permissions to add specific commands that could be useful to your lower privileged users.
Level Permission Nodes
Key: node - description.
These permission nodes are meant to also give all the other permission nodes below.
antibot.admin.basic - Gives Level 2 permissions.
antibot.admin - Gives level 3 permissions. Give this to your trusted admins.
Advanced Permissions
These permission nodes are the advanced permission nodes. These are checked first before the levels, so you can add functionality to a user who can't access it (EX: A level 3 command to a level 2 user.).
Key: node - command/function - level
antibot.join - Allows a user to join during an "invasion", and bypass AntiBot's bot spam check. - 1
antibot.chatspam - Allows a user to spam the chat, or bypass the chat spam check - 1
antibot.voice - Allows a user to have the microphone while chat is being muted. - 1
antibot.captcha - Allows AntiBot to assume that the user can read and won't give them a puzzle. - 1
antibot.logindelay - Allows a user to login/out of the server quickly. - 1
antibot.countryban - Allows a user whose country is banned or unwhitelisted to join, or bypass country bans check. - 1
antibot.admin.reload - Allows a admin to reload the configuration. - 3 - Allows an admin to retrieve additional information about AntiBot's system status. - 2
antibot.admin.notify - Allows an admin to retrieve notifications about plugin updates, whether AntiBot is in delayed start mode, and when it gets enabled again. - 2
antibot.admin.flush - Allows an admin to flush AntiBot. Flushes all information about users. - 2
antibot.admin.chatmute - Allows an admin to globally mute chat. - 2
antibot.admin.toggle - Allows an admin to enable/disable AntiBot. - 3
Deprecated/Broken Permissions
Key: node - description - why
antibot.admin.attack - Allows an admin to turn on invasion mode manually if whitelist mode is enabled. - The reason is because manual whitelist mode is forever gone.
If a particular change in permissions needs changing, come make a ticket on the GitHub (you can easily navigate it at the top of the page).