This plugin completely stops swearing of any kind on your server by allowing a range of punishments including but not limited to kicking changeing the message to whatever you want (this server is shit can become I am a poop face!) and even custom ones from other plugins via a command to be executed when someone swears. This plugin is activly supppoted and works with 1.6, 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.4.7, and 1.2.5 (for tekkit). This plugin is highly configurable and almost always can give you exactly what you want!
Message to youtubers
I am currently looking for someone to make a video for this plugin!
The best video after a few days will be featured on this plugin page.
Every video must show how the plugin works and a setup tutorial (including config).
Post a link to your videos in the comments!
- configurable words
- ban as many words as you want!
- Kicking system (optional)
- Sign Censoring (as of version 3.4)
- Colored chat messages for kick messages
- Optional explosion sound on swearing
Permissions: (Used superperms should work with any up-to-date permissions plugin)
Permission | Description | Default |
AntiSwear.ignore | Allows you to bypass the censor | Operator |
AntiSwear.admin | Allows permission for AntiSwear admin commands (see below) | Operator |
Command | Permission | Description |
/AntiSwear | AntiSwear.admin | The main command |
/AntiSwear reload | AntiSwear.admin | Relaods the configuration |
Setting up the config
#Do you want to kick players when they swear? KICK_ON_SWEAR: true #Set true if you want players to be kicked when they swear on signs KICK_ON_SIGN_SWEAR: false #The message to be shown to players when they swear. This will be the kick message if kicking is enabled. KICK_MESSAGE: '&4Swearing is not allowed on this server!' EXPLOSION_ON_SWEAR: true #false for blocking message and true for doing NEW_MESSAGE instead. REPLACE_MESSAGE: false #Should the censored word be replaced with NEW_MESSAGE? ONly works if REPLACE_MESSAGE is false BEEP_WORD: false #Command for the console to execute when someone swears use <player> for the player that swears COMMAND_ON_SWEAR: warn <player> #The message to replace the swears with requires REPLACE_MESSAGE to be true NEW_MESSAGE: I am a poop face! #Put all words to censor here list: - fuck - shit
- Simply change the words to the swear words you want to block.
- if you want to add more words just add "- Wordhere"
Added in version 3.3
Ok I just finished the build for you it is version 3.3 it allows a command to be executed by the console whenever a player swears you could use this with a warning plugin to get the effect that you want
Thank you
Helpful plugin, thank you! :)
Replace only the censored words with a personal word, for example:
And then in the config file:
(Sorry for my bad English)
OK, implementing now. A new build will be available shortly
If you swear 3 times in a row you get banned for 10 minutes if you could do that :).
Ok, I think that I have fixed the bug try version 3.1.1 when bukkit approves it (usually a little less then a half-day), I was unable to reproduce the problem so please tell me if it is fixed. Also next time please put error logs in a pastebin
Doesn't work for me:
Thats true, and I guess it will always remain a problem (next to users being creative with swearing).
I could do exceptions but the problem with those it lets just say that you censored ass and allowed grass then someone could say grassy ass with no problems. But I will add it now anyway
Hi there, if i add the word lag people also get kicked while saying flag. Is there a way to get around that? :)
Ok everyone I have just taken over this plugin, I have uploaded a new file that is compatible with 1.4.7r1.0 and it should be approved shortly
fixing it...
so when i say glass, and ass is blocked. i get kicked
I havent updated it so far and i havent had the time
you seem t be using for the onPlayerChat event, if you make it chat it will be much easier and it wont bug out public void onPlayerChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent chat) {}
You havent sent me anything as far i can see, usedcondom
ive tryed sending him a fix to his plugin but he keeps rejecting it -.- lol
Hrm.. not sure what algorithm is being used to detect bad words but users cannot say "hello" or "glass" since roots are in a bad-word list ..please fix.