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UploadedApr 10, 2014
Size40.38 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.7.4
- 1.6.4
- 1.5.2
- World names with periods in it should now be working.
- Changed the config format for the section of the default ore values: you can now setup default heights for the default ores as well there.
- The default max height values for the default default protected ores (yeah, that are a lot of "defaults") were set accordingly to their wiki entries at http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Ore
- Tiny changes to how world specific data is saved: world specific ore data now only gets saved if they don't match with the defaults.
- Added Metrics tracking to MCStats.org: you can disable this with the setting 'AntiXRay.EnableMetricsTracking' in the config.
I suggest you to backup your old config file, let it regenerate and check for changes regarding default and world specific ore values and maxHeights.