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UploadedMay 30, 2013
Size28.34 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.5.2
- 1.5.1
- 1.4.7
- Commands to reload the plugin and to display your or another players current points. (I do NOT recommend to give your players this ability to always check their current points: they can use it to avoid reaching their limit in order to avoid the notifications which would normally get send to the admins in this situation..). Permissions are: 'antixray.help' , 'antixray.reload' , 'antixray.check.self' and 'antixray.check.others'
- New messages were added: so if you translated the plugin you will have to also translate these new messages.
- Added some more information to the plugin.yml
- Completly changed the world section of the config and added some new config nodes to let you set different ores and ore values for each world and to assign each ore in each world a so called "MaxHeight": the players will no longer be limited to break these blocks above that height -> This hopefully fixes all problems player had before with breaking self-placed diamond ores. A more detailed description about how these new config nodes work will follow.
If you update from a lower version your world list inside the config will get overwritten with the new default values which follow a new format.