Anti Logout Escape
What is "Anti Logout Escape"?
Anti Logout Escape (ALE) is a little plugin, "preventing" Players from running away from a pvp/pvm fight by logging out from the server by punishing them e.g. by dropping their inventory and/or experience points.
Its a must-have for your PVP/PVP servers to prevent some people from playing unfair.
How will it work?
If a player starts a PVP fight (punching another player), these two players will be registered to the plugin. If a player leaves the game within 5s (default, if a player is killed, by default 60s), his inventory will drop to the ground, allowing others to pick it up. If a PVM fight is canceled by player, the player's experience points will drop to the ground (by default).
- NEW: Block commands like /home, /spawn, /tp, /warp ...
- Dropping inventory if a player escapes
- Dropping experience (1/2 or full) if a player escapes
- Configurable timeouts
- Server-wide announcements (PVP and PVM, configurable)
- "Extended timeout"/"Kill timeout": If a player kills another player, the escape timeout will last longer (default: 60s)
Can I disable it?
Yes, just give the player the permission ale.override to disable this plugin for the player. Also you can disable it in the configuration file.
#Enabled true/false enable=true #Enable global announcement if a player escapes (PVP) global-message-pvp=true #Enable global announcement if a player escapes (PVM) global-message-pvm=true #Enable global announcement if a player escapes by command (Without action-command=inherit) global-message-command=true #Timeout, the player have to be online after pvp/pvm timeout=5 #Timeout, the player have to be online after killing another player timeout-kill=60 #What happens, if a player escapes pvp (nothing ,drop-all, drop-exp, drop-inv) action-pvp=drop-all #What happens, if a player escapes fighting against monsters (nothing, drop-all, drop-exp, drop-inv) action-pvm=drop-exp #Choose if drop-exp will drop all experience points or only (max) half drop-all-exp=true #List all blocked commands here: for example /spawn,/home,/tp blocked-commands=/spawn,/home,/tp #What happens, if a player tries to run a blocked command (deny, inherit, nothing, drop-all, drop-exp, drop-inv) #Inherit will use the PVP/PVM actions. action-command=inherit
Currently, there's only one command: Use /ale to reload the config.
- ?
open source or update pls
Feature Request: If a player logs out during combat (PvP/PvM) change their coordinates to a preset location. This would be useful for jailing players who attempt to escape combat.
please update i like it!
Sounds great! /:D
[BUG] Plugin often drops players inventories, if the server goes on restart via RToolkit.
When people fight in a protected region where pvp is disabled, the plugin still kills the player if they log out. Same with factions too.
I think I need a lang.yml file to support my language
Can you add a temp ban after loging out on pvp ? like 10 minutes of ban because of pvp disconnect. and when the player join the server, broadcast a message that say "Player join after being banned because loguing out on PVP! coward!"
And customizable messages! :)
Is this combatible with Factions?
Dont have essentials^ this is very buggy plugin
Or for advanced teleport commands, I'd recommend something like boos cooldowns/warmups ;)
I'm going to throw out the thought and say you have Essentials installed. /spawn is an Essentials command, and in the config of Essentials you can edit the time it takes to teleport. This will prevent them from teleporting away during a battle. I suggest setting it to 5 seconds, it's a good amount.
Probably don't work; because when player hit other player he can escape by typing /spawn etd.. plugin dont block it :| newest craftbukkit and "ALE"
This is the best antipvplogger plugin yet. It works 100% with Towny. Fantastic command options. It's just great. This is great. No more people in my server complaining about pvp loggers.
If anyone wants to check it out in action come join us at nation warz
server ip & website:
Hi is it detect if the player quit or no game crash ?
And my server is restarting every 3 hours is it possible to detect it(kick all players)?
Is it detect if player is banned,kicked ?
I'm going to look for the cause of the problem.
Stay tuned
Need Help. Because the player drop the items, but when take a new login, he have all items. why??
Thank you
please update
@Joymo I'm having the same reports, definitely something that needs to be looked into, not sure how hard/easy it will be to fix.
Am getting reports of players who end up with duped Armor when this plugin drops their inventory...