
Shotbow Annhilation Image

Image retrieved from the Shotbow Wiki

The Game

Annihilation is a team oriented mini-game. It is widely know for being run on The Shotbow Network. This plugin will allow you to run Annihilation, a mini-game, that thousands of people play every day on The ShotBow Network, on your own server! Customize it however you like. If you want to play with 100 people, it can do that. Only 8 people? It can do that too! With this plugin, the skys the limit, or in this case, Y=256!

From The Shotbow Annihilation Wiki:

Annihilation is a team-based PvP gamemode with 4 teams, Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green. Your team's objective is to destroy the other 3 team's nexuses, while protecting your own. Each team has their own quarter of the map where they can gather resources, build defenses etc. Every player is in adventure mode, meaning block breaking is only possible with the correct tools. Your team wins when it is the last one with a nexus.

The game is split up into 5 phases, each phase lasting 10 minutes.

Phase 1: Nexus blocks are invincible
Phase 2: Nexus blocks lose their invincibility
Phase 3: Iron Golem boss mobs spawn and diamond ores spawn in the center of the map
Phase 4: No changes occur
Phase 5: Double Nexus damage

The game will stop at phase 5 and stay there until the game is over.

The Nexus is the most important block in the game. Each Nexus has only 75 hit points, and when mined it will lose 1 HP each time, 2 In Phase 5. There is no method to regain lost HP, so every hit matters. When mined it makes a very loud anvil sound at the base, or a light note block sound if you aren't close enough, to alert the team their nexus is being hit.

Once a team's Nexus is destroyed, that team will no longer re-spawn. The remaining members of the team will remain in the game until they die, meaning they can still attack and destroy your nexus.

In order to win, your team must be the last one with a nexus.

In addition to the above, there are several kinds of shops in which players can buy items with gold ingots. Currently there are 2 kinds of shops: Brewing and Weapon. Shops take the form of a sign.

This Plugin

This plugin runs the game described above. It is designed to be run on its own server, meaning everything is consolidated onto the server. It is NOT meant to be run on a server where things are happening in other worlds or on other parts of the map. When people join the server they will be spawned at the lobby location. (Location can be set through command or the config) While in the lobby, players will be given an item that will allow them to select a kit to use in the game.

Signs should be placed at the lobby so people can join a team. In the event that no join signs are at the lobby, players can use the /team command to join whichever team they like. The plugin will auto balance teams in such a way that each team has no more than a 3 player lead over the smallest team.

Once the amount of players on the server reaches the needed amount (The amount can be set in the config), the plugin will make an announcement and the game will begin in 30 seconds. An announcement will be made at the 5 second mark. Once they game beings, each player will be teleported to one of the spawn points assigned to his team. (These are currently only set-able through the config) The player will be given the items/abilities for his kit, the color armor for his team, and the player is now free to play the game.


/Anni [arguments]
Start - - - - -Starts the Game immediately
Stop - - - - - Stops the Game immediately (teleports everyone back to the lobby)
Lobby - - - - Sets the lobby spawn point to the player's current location
/Team [arguments]
Red - - - - - -Attempts to join the Red team
Green - - - - Attempts to join the Green team
Blue - - - - - Attempts to join the Blue team
Yellow - - - -Attempts to join the Yellow team


  • A.Anni - - - - Gives permission to use the /Anni command

Configuration File

The config file is quite complicated and a complete explanation of it can be found:

How To Install

  1. Make sure the server is stopped.
  2. Download the latest .jar.
  3. Put the .jar file in the "/plugins" directory.
  4. Start your server. This will generate a config.yml if there is not already one.
  5. Change the config so the game runs the way you like.
  6. Restart the server so changes to the config take effect. (You can reload, but I personally do not advise this)

Beta Info, Bugs, Features, Etc.

Follow this Link: This One Right Here

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Mr_Little_Kitty (Little_Cat_Guy) - Author and Main Developer.
Austincd118 - Code Contributions.
nisovin - Used his IconMenu Class quite a bit.
The Shotbow Network - Inspiration.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 10, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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