A passive that detects a right-click #152

  • Enhancment
  • _ForgeUser28951881 created this issue Dec 23, 2016

    Essentially it's a passive ability that is more of a pseudo-active ability; which responds to right click events. Its main utility would be to incorporate the ability to have skills that are pre-bound onto specific objects for a variety of different effects (e.g; Allowing people to consume items [in a similar way to eating], to gain a benefit; without having to bind the spell] using a clock to change the time; have weapon specific "Active" abilities that cannot be bound to other weapons [Although this would probably require a rework of the cooldown mechanic; or use of a cheaty way to get the cooldown to work on a passive ability - which I think may exist])

  • _ForgeUser28951881 added a tag Enhancment Dec 23, 2016

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