AncientRPG v0.5Beta
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UploadedApr 23, 2012
Size542.97 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.2.5
- If statements
- Arguments for conditions (getiteminhands, gethelmet, getchestplate,getboots, getleggings, getattacker, getattackedentity, getlevel and getrandom)
- Completely rewrote the way spells are executed (removed possibility of deadlocks)
- Events can now be influenced by a spell aslong as you don't call a wait command before the modify commands
- Events can now be cancelled with the cancelevent command
- Added Commands: Addpermission, Cancelevent, damagemodify, drop, lightningeffect, resetcooldowncommand, speedup, slow
- Damage and Heal commands can now also target entities
- Added class stances
- Added option for players to gain xp when mining
- Fixed too much
- Skip and chance commands are now depreciated and won't work any longer due to the if statements.
- Implemented an API to allow other plugin developers to write addons for my plugin
- Updated spellmaker
Stances are not fully tested yet