Allow Lockpicking
DeathlyIceDragon will now be maintaining this plugin.
This plugin adds the ability to pick doors, chests, furnaces, trapdoors, fence gates and dispensers with a "lock-pick" item. This plugin will not lock any of these items - it just provides players with a method to circumvent them.
In Game Usage
Players just need to be holding the lock-pick item in their hand and right click on a chest or a door to try to pick the lock. If the pick is successful, the door or chest will open.
- Should work with any locking plugin (tested with LWC, Lockette, BukkitInventoryTools, Deadbolt)
- Supports permissions (allowlockpicking.canpick) - defaults to ops
- Configurable lock-pick item (allows multiple lock-picks)
- Configurable messages
- Configurable chance of success
- Option to lose lock-pick on use or just failure
- Configurable damage dealt on failure
- Teleport player to a location on failure (like Jail)
- Run a command automatically on failure (like /report)
Known Bugs
- Does not prevent other locking plugins from displaying their messages if something is supposed to be locked but the user bypasses it.
Download the jar and place the plugin into your folder. Run the server to generate the files that will let you configure the plugin.
Commands / Permissions
A list of all commands and their permissions can be found here.
Information about the configuration files can be viewed here.
Change Log
The full change log can be found here.
If you're upgrading from pre 2.0, you will need to reconfigure the plugin
- Removed Spout Support
- Removed Towny Support
- Removed Bukkit Inventory tools Support
- Fixed minor errors reported
- Updated compatibility with ChestShop and hopefully LWC
- Added ability to prevent things inside towns from being picked (with Towny)
- Fixed error with ChestShops being null
- If you are upgrading to this version, I recommend you delete your config because you will need to reconfigure everything.
- Major upgrade to the plugin, view the full change log for all of the changes.
Yeah, I just made one. And uploaded the file I use.
Create a ticket and I think you can upload it to that with the attach button. Please do that so I can take a look - but I'll work on adding another way to get lockpicks besides using the csv file.
I don't get the lockpicks.csv
I can't get it to work. I use open office, when I open it, I add the things I want and reload the plugin, it just says:
I would upload the csv file but I don't know where to.
The permissions are used as long as "allow-all" in the config is false. So switch that to false and let me know if it works. If it doesn't work - which permissions plugin are you using?
Im also having the problem that everyone can lockpick. How do i activate the permissions?!?!
It saves lockpicks on server shutdown, which would overwrite your changes. Either make the changes while the server is off, or use the command "/alp reload" instead of reloading the entire server.
Hi, After i add a new lock pick and upload it to the server it is uploaded. But then once i reload it or restart it it goes back to being blank, How can i fix this?
yes just have it so chests inside a residence area cannot be picked. sorry for late reply ive been away
To anyone getting errors with ChestShop try using this version:
To anyone else having problems, I'm sorry but I'm busy this weekend I'll try to help you afterwards.
Hello !
I have this plugin, with SimpleChestLock and Factions. In factions plugin i removed any guard. Out of claim users can lockpicking locked chests, but in claim not. Anything is showing, any error or message. I don't know what i can do now. Please help.
I have another question now. When player lockpick succesfully chest, and close them, he must lockpick it again. That's non-sense. Can you make that will lockpicked it permanently ? :D
Jesus... sry for bad english, not from here :D
ChestShop just updated, which breaks this plugin. Please update!
Lock Picking isnt working for me with recent update.. when i do /lockpick ALL my lockpicks show up CORRECTLY from the .csv file. And in config i have allow-all: true set. When i give a member one of the lockpicks and they try to open a chest, doesnt do anything, and when they type /lockpick nothing happens.
They have the allowlockpicking.canpick permission, and i use PEX.
Allow an admin to go around to lockable items and select them. Once selected, he can specify what level you need to have a chance of successfully picking the lock. The leveling can either be the leveling of the actually player, or a built in leveling system.
So, let's just say there is an iron door and inside are chest of diamonds. Instead of a brand new user going up to it and getting it first or second try, they would have to pick a lot of other locks to even have a chance of getting in there. Kind of like Runescape ( lol ), you know, level up thieving to pick other locks.
EDIT: Also, I don't get the lockpick.csv file. I set it up exactly like the example (except the numbers for the items (I'm assuming those are the chance of successfully picking the lock )) I make the changes, save the file, restart the server, start again, but the file just resets to its original form. What do I do wrong? Also, I use OpenOffice makes I'm to poor to buy Microsoft products..
think I found the problem
do not use space or '!' or something else on message. make it simple
Im not 100% sure but when I change that part, it worked fine.
And thank you for such a nice plugin :)
I just retested the plugin with LWC, Lockette, and Deadbolt and it seemed to work. Make sure in your config the name(s) in the worldlist setting is/are the same as the world(s) you want to be able to pick on. Also add messages for success/failure/cooldown and try to lockpick - do you see any messages?
If you still get errors, please fill out a ticket and I'll try to replicate it. Or leave me a pm/post with your server IP and I'll try to get on and test, or give you guys a debug version to test with.
IS NOT WORKING with LWC, Lockette and deadbolt
server logs shows no problem
but not working in game.
It seems that when i try in-game to use it on a lockette door or chest it wont work.
Make a ticket and fill out the information so I can get your config and try to duplicate it, I'm a little busy this afternoon but I'll try to help as soon as I can.
For some reason, I can not get it to work with LWC.... All of the lockpicks work fine, but the 100% chance for success with LWC doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?
Sorry about that - it slipped my mind, I'll look into it now. You just want to be able to protect all residence and/or all worldguard areas like the Towny protection?