AlchemicalArrows v2.0
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UploadedMay 4, 2016
Size63.61 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.9
AlchemicalArrows 2.0
- Fixed arrows being picked up, even if another plugin prevents arrows from being picked up
- Hid an annoying public boolean field in the main class; instead created a boolean-return method
(I know this is a small changelog, but I truly believe all bugs have been fixed in AlchemicalArrows :) I hope you all enjoy version 2.0 of the plugin!)
AlchemicalArrows 2.0 BETA-9
- Attempt to fix "ghost particles" when a chunk is unloaded and the arrow despawns
- Fixed not being able to pick up AlchemicalArrows from the ground after being shot
Also, this may be the final Beta version of AlchemicalArrows. Alchemical Arrows 2 will be officially released soon!
AlchemicalArrows 2.0 BETA-8
- Added a vampiric (life-steal) effect to the necrotic arrow. Whatever damage dealt to an entity, half of that will be healed to the shooter
- Added a high priority to the custom death messages
- Added a configuration option to toggle custom death messages (In case you want to hide them with another plugin)
- Fixed Earth Arrows not burrowing the player in the ground
- Fixed Earth Arrows often times shooting players into the ground in a sort of glitchy way
- Fixed Necrotic Arrows spamming the console whilst active
- Readded blindness effect to Darkness Arrow when hitting players
- Decreased the particle count for Darkness Arrows (Much less... spammy)
AlchemicalArrows 2.0 BETA-7
- Changed the protected AlchemicalArrow constructor to public once again (It caused an IllegalAccessException)
- Added white particle effects to confusion arrows
- Added rotten flesh item particles for necrotic arrows
- Added grapple arrow (recipe can be found on the main page). Previous permission nodes apply
- Added new configuration option to determine percentage of skeletons shooting arrows
- Optimized a couple of arrows to prevent creation of new objects 20 times per second in the particle loop
AlchemicalArrows 2.0 BETA-6
- Removed the inability to shoot arrows whilst in a WorldGuarded area with PvP denied
- |-> Instead, the arrow will deflect against the opposing player if PvP is denied
- Added custom death messages when being shot and killed directly with any alchemical arrows
- |-> This message varies depending on what or who kills you
AlchemicalArrows 2.0 BETA-5
- Changed AlchemicalArrows constructor to protected rather than public, to prevent creation of "new AlchemicalArrow"
- Added "DisplayName" configuration option for each arrow to change the names of the arrows
- |-> Note: This does not change code-based names. (i.e. Earth Arrows renamed as "Terra Arrows" still requires /givearrow earth)
AlchemicalArrows 2.0 BETA-4
- Removed deprecated WorldGuard methods in attempt to fix a default global PvP flag state bug
- Attempt to fix ArrowRegistry setting ItemStack parameter arrow count to 1
- Using the same fix as above, attempted to make the code the slightest bit more efficient when registering on shot
- Added a "getAlchemicalArrow()" method which requires a UUID parameter in the ArrowRegistry class for API developers
(As a side note, the AlchemicalArrows Wiki has been updated to explain the ArrowRegistry class in detail)
AlchemicalArrows 2.0 BETA-3
- Added an automatic version checker to determine whether there's a new version or not (It runs asynchronously so it does not slow down startup process. Note: This does not download the latest version. It will just link you to it)
- Added a configuration option to disable the version checker (BukkitDev ToU forces me to ;P)
- Added "AllowInfinity" configuration option for each arrow to determine whether infinity is allowed for that arrow or not
- Added "SkeletonsCanShoot" configuration option for each arrow to determine whether skeletons are able to shoot that arrow or not
- Fixed ConfusionArrow recipe returning 0 arrows (typo in the code)
- Changed all arrow recipes to be 8 arrows surrounding the respective material (materials are still the same). It made more sense in my opinion
- Changed the default "Crafts" configuration option for Death Arrows to be set to 8 and respect the crafting recipe
AlchemicalArrows 2.0 BETA-2
- Updated WorldEdit soft dependancy to WorldEdit-bukkit-6.1.1-SNAPSHOT-dist
- Updated WorldGuard soft dependancy to WorldGuard-Legacy-6.1.2-SNAPSHOT-dist
- Readded permission nodes for shooting arrows (Same as legacy 1.2.3 permission nodes, arrows.shoot.*)
- Readded permission nodes for crafting arrows (Same as legacy 1.2.3 permission nodes, arrows.craft.*)
- Added permission node to override WorldGuard protection ("arrows.worldguardoverride", default: false)
- Added a particle effect to the Darkness arrow (Thanks to melliebean (From RoyalRebels:
AlchemicalArrows 2.0 BETA-1
- Completely rewrote AlchemicalArrows from scratch!
- New API (Old add-ons will be broken, sorry)
- |-> Removed fixed arrow API
- |-> Added ArrowRegistry class to handle external arrows and arrow tracking
- |-> Added abstract AlchemicalArrow class to create specific arrows with specific methods
- |-> Added classes for every arrow available
- |-> Added ArrowRegistry class to handle external arrows and arrow tracking
- Added support for 1.9
- |-> Shields now prevent arrows from executing their effects
- |-> Allowed alchemical arrows to be shot from either hands
- |-> Used 1.9-specific methods (1.8 servers will not be able to run AlchemicalArrows 2)
- Decreased file size by 30KiB
- Fixed WorldGuard support (Tested, and works)
- Cleaned up a lot of old legacy code (Mainly command-related)
- Added support for add-on plugins in the commands (parameters, and killallarrows)
- Added tab completion for some command parameters including /givearrow <arrow>, and /alchemicalarrows <killallarrows|version|reload>
- Config changes (Delete your config)
- |-> Removed a lot of configuration options (This will be expanded soon, as there are more API possibilities)
- |-> Added a new "InstantDeathPercentChance" configuration option under the DeathArrow section
- |-> Changed the default arrow crafting returns to 8, rather than varying amounts (Excluding Death, which still crafts 4)
- Changed a couple particle effects to be cleaner, and look a little nicer than before
- Optimized most of the arrow effects to be more CPU-friendly
- Fixed many many many many many bugs, and created a few more
- |-> NOTE: Picking up arrows is broken, I am aware of this
- |-> Temporarily removed arrows.shoot.<arrow> and arrows.craft.<arrow> permission nodes (These will be readded before release 2.0)
- Removed DarkBlade's Open Source Particle Library
- Added a more reliable way to handle living alchemical arrows