Accessible Containers #35

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser7181231
  • _ForgeUser8861338 created this issue Jun 17, 2014

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Be a ghost
    2. Open Containers

    What is the expected output?
    Player shouldn't be able to open the following:
    1. Trapped Chest
    2. Minecart Chest
    3. Minecart Furnace

    Also if possible:
    1. Droppers
    2. Hoppers
    3. Dispensers
    4. Minecart Hoppers

    What version of AfterLife are you using?
    AfterLife v1.5

    Do you have an error log of what happened? Please post on and post a link here:

    Post a list of all installed Bukkit plugins.

    Please provide any additional information below.

  • _ForgeUser8861338 added the tags New Enhancment Jun 17, 2014

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