After Life
After Life
AfterLife adds a whole new aspect to your server. Players who die will now become ghosts who can haunt other players and spectate the world for a predefined time. Ghosts can have special effects or powers, and hant other players with spooky sounds!
I wanted this plugin to work with everyone's servers, so I've made almost every feature of this plugin easily configurable. It can run out of the box, or you can spend time customising it to your server's needs.
- Add a afterlife experience to your server!
- Players will become ghosts when they die.
- Ghosts cannot break or place blocks.
- Regular players cannot see ghosts.
- Ghosts can have a configurable effect when walking.
- Choose if ghosts should have item drop and pickup disabled.
- Ghosts can create a scary sound when they sneak. (To haunt)
- You can choose if you want ghosts to be able to chat or PvP.
- Easy WorldGuard integration! Disable AfterLife in certain regions.
- Almost every feature of this plugin is configurable.
- Auto update checking.
These are the features as of AfterLife v1.3. If you do not see the version available to download quite yet, it may be that the update hasn't been approved by the Bukkit Approval Staff just yet.
To view documentation on commands, permissions, config files and more, head over to our documentation page hosted on Volcanic Plaza.
Planned Features
Please use our Ticket System to view and request upcoming features.
Suggestions? Tickets?
If you have a suggestion for AfterLife, first check if the feature is already listed in the Planned Features section or as a Ticket. Then please submit a ticket explaining your suggestion. Please do not suggest features in comments or PM me them as it is hard to track for me, and I may never even see it. By submitting your suggestions as a ticket, I can easily track the request and update my progress. Thanks, nxtguy.
I put hours of work into AfterLife as a learning experience and hobby. If you enjoy using AfterLife, please consider supporting the development and donating to keep the plugin going. Thanks!
A big thanks to MisterMystery for supporting the development of this project and donating!
Any updates for 1.10? Please =)
This currently isn't possible with AfterLife.
@nxtguy Hi! How would i give command permissions to ghosts, and not normal players? ex: let ghosts control players, but normal players cant control. Plz, i big fan!
A couple other projects have been keeping me busy, does AfterLife v1.5 not work with 1.7.x?
How's the 1.7.x update coming along? or you're gonna skip it and go straight to 1.8?
Just checking since I really love this plugin and has become somewhat iconic on my server
Please look at the documentation:
HI! i was wondering how to use the powers as a ghost i must have missed them in the desc. but just wondering :D i saw you were replying to comments so XD
Now that a 1.7.4 beta build is out I'll work on testing and updating to 1.7.4.
There are multiple permissions that you can use to enable or disable the plugin for certain players. Look at the documentation page:
does it works with permissons? I want just vip players may do this
Any plans for 1.7.4 update? Been waiting on installing Bukkit on my server for this plugin XD
I've replied requesting more information. :)
Still waiting on a response?
replied to it with some more info :)
So you're trying to execute a command when a player goes from Ghost to Human? Please respond to your ticket with the requested information and I can try and find out the problem. :)
Nothing currently planned. Please submit a Enhancement Ticket! :D
Looks great, but it would be neat if players could have a grave where they died, that they could click to come back to life, without waiting, with some sort of health penalty or potion effect.
Any plans on a simmilar system?
if you configure the commands for when they turn back human to spawn them at spawn then it doesn't fail. If you have delay timers you can give them a timed temporary permission to by pass that.
is it possible to add the potion effects when you respawn as a human?
Basically I'm trying to use the effect command under customCommands under humans but even if it's executing on the console, it's not showing up in game. I've tested this between two different players with different permissions and the results are the same
There is a setting in the config to make ghosts in "god mode" AKA, can't get damaged. Turn that on and you shouldn't have any problems.
If you die in lava are lost, when reborn to die again. It is a failure.