New Features! #2

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to andune
  • _ForgeUser7554077 created this issue Jan 22, 2012

    Please enable editing the config file also by hand with the /afkbooter reload command.

    Also the config would be more readable if it would be formatted like this:

    #Comment this setting will do this
    setting: true
    #Comment this setting will do something else
    setting2: false

    Also I noticed that the commands quite dont fit in the chat window so maybe add pages to the /afkbooter command and come color?
    Do the kick messages support color codes? If not I would recommend adding 0-f color support.

    Also make it possible to announce the afk message to chat and after that they can still be kicked. At the moment we have to choose either kick or notification in chat.

    It would be great to have a name variable in the config maybe?
    Since the default message goes like Player was kicked for idling where the message itself is custom but I couldnt do this layout:
    Attention! Player has been kicked for idling.
    In that case I could do this in the config.
    kickmsg= &aAttention! %player has been kicked for idling.
    A time variable couldnt hurt. The %time variable would reflect the kick-timeout amount. Rather then modifiying the kick message everytime i decide to change the time you could connect those two where it would take the time as set in the kick-timeout setting.

    I could do &aAttention! %Player has been kicked for idling %time minutes.

    Just got a new idea. Rather then having just a number in the kick-timeout setting they would have to enter this kick-timeout=1m30s and in the message section they could do Player has been idle for %m and %s where the %m is minutes and %s seconds

    Can you also make separate permissions for each command rather then having the autobooter.config permission.

    The auto afk works great but can u also add a setting for it like /afk <reason> so people can toggle their afk status.

    It would be awesome to have a custom response message. When a player is afk and someone says his name they will be notified that the player is afk on what reason and how long they have been afk.

    I see that you have a exempt setting in your config. Its a good idea but can you also add a feature so i can add a hole group to the exempt? the setting will be taken from pex. For example the owner group cant be kicked.

    That should be it for now :D Hope you find some ideas useful and interesting.

  • _ForgeUser7554077 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 22, 2012
  • _ForgeUser7554077 posted a comment Jan 22, 2012

    Forgot to mention some things.

    Some command aliases cant hurt :D rather then typing /afkbooter everytime have like /afk or /ab.

    Command /ab list


  • Forge_User_80116217 posted a comment Mar 23, 2012

    Why in the hell you need command aliases? To increase load on your own server? (Sry for offtopic)

  • andune posted a comment Mar 23, 2012

    More aliases do not increase load. Bukkit command aliases are kept in a single hashmap which has O(1) lookup performance, so adding more has no effect on performance.

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