AdvenTour V 0.2 - Will allow you to manage adventour map with griefing options, and players own version of the maps!


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  • Uploaded
    Feb 14, 2012
  • Size
    236.07 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.1-R4


Bugs fixed:

* Just after server restart, people end up in the wrong worlds!
* Even if you change the chat you're in, you can still view messages from the world you're in
* Permissions only work for people in their own world!
* When leaving a main world, you save the position, but end at that position when you join the same main world in another players copy.
* Not emptying inventory when joining a friends world

New Features:

* Prefixes for the chat youre in! - <W> for world / <L> for lobby