Dev Builds

Dev Builds


- Note: This version is for Minecraft 1.8 some things may not work in 1.7 but it's working anyway.
- Please Create a ticket if you found any bug.
- Remember to remove Lucky Block folder.

Build 1

- Link Removed:

- Added /lbw setbounds command.
- Added /lbw creategame command.
- Added /lbw save command.
- Added more sounds for arenas.
- Added Auto Fly for spectators and winners.
- Added Custom Name for arenas.
- Added /lbw setgamename command.
- Added Thor's Axe item.
- Added Lucky Tools and weapons.
- Added Lightning Enchantment.
- Added Title when start a game.
- Added Clickable text when the game ends to play the map again.
- Removed most of enchantments.
- Removed Lucky Block Dungeon.
- Added Teams for lucky block war.
- Added /teams create command.
- Added /teams remove command.
- Added /teams clear command.
- Added /teams join command.
- Added /teams leave command.
- Added /teams requests command.
- Added /teams accept command.
- Added /teams kick command.
- Added /teams setowner command.
- Now spectators can't pickup dropped items in-game.
- Now Tnt becomes ignited when placed by a player in-game.
- Imroved time for lucky block war games.
- Added the ability to change main lucky block command (/lb)
- Added 3d items option.
- Fixed Some Bugs.

Build 2

- Link Removed:

- Added Custom Items (see example.yml file inside Items folder).
- Added center for games.
- Removed /lb clearmetadatas command.
- Removed help from some commands.
- Added boss for lucky block wars.
- Added an option to enable or disable boss spawning.
- Added /lb thoraxe command.
- Added /lb setcenter command.
- Added /lb v/ersion command.
- Added /lbw endall command.
- Added an option to play random map.
- Added options item when joining a game.
- Added Close Button to close gui from /lbw getplayer command.
- Now players can kill other players in-game by throwing them into the void or killing them by any projectile.
- Removed Metadata and MetadataMobs files.


- Please Create a ticket if you found any bug.
- Remember to remove Lucky Block folder.

Build 1

- Link Removed:

- Now Supports both 1.7.X and 1.8 (Change IsNew value in the config to false if you are using 1.7.X).
- Now Requires Title Manager plugin for more features.
- Added /lbw tpworld command.
- Added /lbw adddblock command(AddDangerBlock).
- Added /lb world command.
- Added /lb detector command.
- Added /lb types command.
- Added new kits.
- Added custom kits with kits.yml file.
- Added hats for shop.
- Available Hats:[
- Glass Hat.
- Colorful Hat.
- Diamond Hat.
- Archer Hat.
- Hard Hat.
- Cage Hat.
- Tnt Hat.
- Notch Hat.
- Pumpkin Hat.
- Snow Hat.
- Crafting Hat.
- Enchanting Hat.
- Brick Hat.
- Enderman Hat.
- Ender Hat.
- Chest Hat.
- Endstone Hat.
- Ice Hat.
- Melon Hat.
- Hay Hat.
- NoFall Hat.
- Added custom types for lucky block.
- Added Lucky Block World.
- This world has these features:[
- Made of sponges.
- Contains new structures:[
- Lucky Tree.
- Lucky Dungeon.
- Pumpkin Tower.
- Lucky Trap.
- Mobs take 10% of falling damage.
- Zombies spawn with diamond gear.
- Iron Golems spawn at night.
- Hostile mobs fight any mob.
- Added more messages to messages file.
- Added the ability to run commands when breaking lucky block.
- Added Detectors.
- They can detect lucky blocks in a specified range.
- Added death point for lucky block war.
- Added cutomizable items to change the luck via crafting.
- Added Danger Blocks for insane mode.
- Added LimitedArea option.
- Added AutoFuel option.
- Added AutoIgniteTnt option.
- Added insane mode for lucky block war (Work In Progress).
- Added support for 1.8 entities.
- Added an option to change /lbw command.
- Added an option to change /teams commnd.
- Added /lb give aliase for /lb luckyblock.
- Improved scoreboard for lobby.
- Improved spawns option.
- Improved File saving.
- Improved rewards for killing mobs in-game.
- Improved chests filling for lucky block war.
- Improved Super Slimes mobs.
- Improved Soldiers mobs.
- Improved Sounds.
- Improved Messages for game.
- Improved messages when dying:[
- Now shows different messages when dying.
- Other Improvements with messages.
- Improved crafting for lucky block.
- Improved /lb lb/give/luckyblock now supports other lucky block types.
- Improved lucky block shop gui.
- Improved Kits gui.
- Increased max players for one game from 128 to 512.
- Changed permission lbw.kits.king to
- Changed Names for lobby items.
- Changed winning message.
- Changed SpawnRate default value to 0.
- Non OP players now can't run commands in-game (Except /lbw commands).
- Completed luck for lucky block(from %-xxx to %xxx).
- Removed lbw.kits.knight permission.
- Removed attack damage skill.
- Removed /lbw fly command.
- Removed lucky block selector with selector.yml file.
- Removed support for /lb addlore command.
- Removed support for /lb removelore command.
- Removed /lb getlb command.
- Removed /lb savebp command.
- Removed /lb setmetadata command.
- Removed /lb removemetadata command.
- Removed /lb customenchant command.
- Fixes:[
- Fixed Players can put items inside kits inventory.
- Fixed bug with chests.
- Fixed sell not giving money.
- Fixed Gifts not being saved.
- Fixed Remove Harmful Effects Drop from lucky block.
- Fixed multiple books in the lobby.
- Fixed player's food decrease when in lobby.
- Fixed spelling with no permission message.
- Fixed bug with addlore command.
- Fixed bug with removelore command.
- Fixed some permissions are missed.
- Fixed using lucky block taker message.
- Fixed arrows still on players when the game ends.
- Fixed players can pick up items when the game ends.
- Fixed players can place blocks when the game ends.
- Fixed players can break blocks when the game ends.
- Fixed players can click inventory when the game ends.
- Fixed wait bug.

Build 2

- Link Removed:
- Features:
- Added GravityForFruits option.
- Added InvincibleItems option.
- Added CreateExampleCages option.
- Added Cages.
- Available Cages:[
- Dirt Cage.
- Ice Cage.
- Mushroom Cage.
- Packed Ice Cage.
- Leaves Cage.
- Lucky Cage.
- Glowstone Cage.
- Netherrack Cage.
- Gold Cage.
- White Glass Cage.
- Redstone Cage.
- Diamond Cage.
- Tnt Cage.
- Log Cage.
- Pumpkin Cage.
- Orange Glass Cage.
- Magenta Glass Cage.
- Light Blue Glass Cage.
- Yellow Glass Cage.
- Lime Glass Cage.
- Pink Glass Cage.
- Gray Glass Cage.
- Cyan Glass Cage.
- Purple Glass Cage.
- Brown Glass Cage.
- Green Glass Cage.
- Red Glass Cage.
- Black Glass Cage.
- Light Gray Glass Cage.
- Emerald Cage.
- Added lots of new messages to Messages.yml file.
- Added TotalDamage stats.
- Added lbw.runcommandsingame permission.
- Added support for tab auto-complete.
- Added /lbw clearspawns command.
- Added /lbw settype command.
- Added /lbw setallowgates command.
- Improved Lucky Block World generator.
- Improved Command Handler.
- Improved LuckyTree.
- Removed /lbw creategame command.
- Removed unused messages from messages.yml.
- Removed /lbw setdeaths command.
- Removed /lbw setwins command.
- Removed /lbw setgamesplayed command.
- Removed /lbw setkills command.
- Fixes:[
- From the previous build:[
- Fixed bug for 1.7 servers.
- From version before 1.9:[
- Fixed Portals not being saved.
- Fixed bug with Lucky Block Sign.
- Fixed bug with LocationType:Block.

Build 3

- Note: this build only works on 1.8 servers for now.
- Link Removed:
- Features:
- Added SpawnFallingBlocks option (can be changed in Games.yml file).
- Added TimeToStart(can be changed in Games.yml file).
- Added new convertor gui.
- Added more sounds.
- Added Players List in the options item in the lobby.
- Added Particles for lobby.
- Available Particles:[
- Added more messages customizable messages.
- Added Sandstone cage.
- Added more data to the kit items (Enchantments,Unbreakable tag).
- Added CreateExampleKits option in the config file.
- Added Shears man kit.
- Improved lucky block wars:[
- The first killer recives extra money and xp.
- Improved some sounds.
- Improved Chests (Now refills every two minutes). - Improved Enderman hat (Now shows the skin even if the server is on offline more).
- Removed Speed skill.
- Fixes:[
- From previous versions:[ - Fixed some glitches.
- Fixed chosen kit not saved.
- From previous builds:[ - Fixed bug with /lbw forcestart message.
- Fixed bug with join message.
- Fixed bug with register chests.
- Fixed bug with cages.
- Fixed bugs with lucky block drops.
- Fixed melon hat price.

Build 4

- Note: this build only works on 1.8 servers for now.
- Don't forget to remove Values folder (Some things have been changed).
- Link Removed:
- Features:
- Added Rules (can be changed in the config).
- Added more messages:[
- Damage
- StuckTrap
- SnowMovingDisabled
- TreeSpawned
- Heal
- Feed
- EnchantItem.Success
- EnchantItem.Fail
- PoisonEntities
- GetGift
- RemoveHarmfulEffects
- SnowMovingStarted
- Added more drops for lucky block:[
- Teleport (You need to define Value:value).
- PerformAction (Work In Progress).
- Added Herobrine hat.
- Added more tags for kits:[
- Author
- Title
- Pages
- Added SnowMovingTime option (can be changed in the config).
- Added the ability to break lucky blocks with redstone (Work In Progress).
- Improved Lobby Book.
- Improved Towers from lucky block.
- Improved lucky block sounds:
- Now all nearby players can hear the sound.
- Improved drops from lucky block:
- Now you can add message per drop using Message:string tag.
- Improved lucky block wars:
- Now when you join a game the held slot will be set to 0.
- Changed Flint and steel dropped item to pumpkin seeds in some files.
- Decreased potion effects trap time from 250 ticks to 200.
- Removed BookMeta tag.
- Fixed error with spelling in some messages.
- Fixed trees not always spawn.
- Fixed bug with guns.
- Fixed errors with drops.

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