The essential plugin for admin entertainment!
AdminFun is a bukkit plugin created by KingFaris10. It was later handed down to me, Trevor1134. AdminFun has grown to be one of the top plugins for admin entertainment. From broadcasting to shooting players up in the air, AdminFun has it all! With over 350k downloads, AdminFun is constantly growing in popularity as well as features.
Click here for a video:
Update Checking
This plugin utilizes Gravity's update checker to notify when a new version of the plugin is out, it will not automatically download the new version.It does, however have the option for automatic updates. This can be enabled or disabled in the config.yml. To disable update-checking, set check-for-updates to false. To toggle auto-updates(default to false) set automatic-updates to false.
Metrics System
This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
Bug Reports
Please report all bugs to the following link:
Thank you!
Thank you for your interest and support for this plugin!
All feedback is appreciated and encouraged! Remember, without feedback, I don't know how to make it a better plugin for you!
./scoreboard objectives remove test
Oi, don't blame me, you used the old source code, I sent you the new one before.
Yeah it installed KingKits. While Admin fun was installed to my server kingkits appeared under the plugins list, but when I removed Admin fun kingkits did not fully go away. According to the plugins list it is removed but the little score counter is still in the middle right of the screen. If someone has a fix for this please tell me.
Shucks, it appears it is installed king kits! I will look into this immediately. For the time being, please just bare with me.
The former author implemented an updater in his KingKits plugin and must have copied it to AdminFun without properly editing it.
Kingkits installed with this plugin 4 weeks ago, it again has just done it, is this normal, can it be stopped because I don;t want Kingkits and I enjoy Adminfun.
Did your plugin automatically install KingKits for today? Because if it did, that's really funny, considering how this plugin is for admins to troll players, and then you trolled the admins XD And if not, then that is a weird bug with my server, and I should figure out why it was added (because the jar file didn't even exist), and you should get double points for creating an amazing April Fools joke without actually trying.
I'll try to optimize the code, but this is the first i've heard of it.
It's the only plugin on our server that lags whenever a command is executed through it.. It has this delay of 1-2 seconds that also seems to stop/stress the entire server for this duration.
We're running the latest spigot build (for 1.7.5).. I personally have no idea why it would lag, but it's the only one that shows this issue... so yea.
There's a mistake in the source code, Trevor didn't update to the latest one.
Check Skype. Issues with this plugin.
Odd.. I think that may be on your host/server's end, because on a localhost I don't get lag from AdminFun.
For some reason it causes insane amounts of lag if I do /adminfun slap (player), also the command takes like 3 seconds before it finally executes, never really saw a similar case with any other plugin so I'm really wondering what could be causing it.
EDIT: Actually all adminfun commands are showing this same behavior, even the help page......
EDIT2: Also /adminfun freeze (player) conflicts heavily with NoCheat+, but I think there are ways around that.
No... Where is it located?
The plugin create by me a folder named "KingKits". WTF is it now a kit plugin?!
Have you tried re-entering the same command?
the only down side for this plugin is that you can't unhide, players, or at least i can't find a command to do that. Or is there one, i don't know.
Thanks for pointing this out. This was a simple name error on my part for the upload on Bukkit. This was caused by the auto updater :) I have fixed it now.
17:42:13 [WARNING] [AdminFun] The author of this plugin (KingFaris10) has miscon figured their Auto Update system 17:42:13 [WARNING] [AdminFun] File versions should follow the format 'PluginName vVERSION' 17:42:13 [WARNING] [AdminFun] Please notify the author of this error.
This came up when I ran my server. it still works, and I like the plugin but I have no idea what to do and it said "Please notify the author of the plugin" so I am doing that now.
When the server started and was loading the plugins this appeared and told me to notify you lol [...] 08:37:47 [ADVERT╩NCIA] [AdminFun] The author of this plugin (KingFaris10) has mi sconfigured their Auto Update system 08:37:47 [ADVERT╩NCIA] [AdminFun] File versions should follow the format 'Plugin Name vVERSION' 08:37:47 [ADVERT╩NCIA] [AdminFun] Please notify the author of this error. [...] please dont look deeply to the language errors i'm fixing that
Good plugin but i cant have it on my server without it lagging like hell.