AdminChat allows admins to have private conversations about users or any other server issues without disrupting the public or letting everyone see what they are discussing.
Updating to 1.3+
Please note, that the permission nodes have all changed as of this update! By default, the plugin creates an "adminchat" in the channels.yml, and this has the same format as previous versions of adminchat. The perm node to use this chat will be
- Let all admins online talk to each other privately
- Configurable format for the chat
- Allows creation of multiple channels
- Allows choosing the command for the channel
- Automatic update checking
Upcoming features (1.5.0)
- Individual Read/Send permissions per channel
- A mute command for either one or all channels, as well as unmuting
- Muting for a specified amount of time.
Config.yml: update-check:
- Default: true
- Checks for updates to adminchat on server startup, and will message ops/players with all perms on startup (if true) prefix:
- Default: "&a[&cAdminChat&a] "
- Prefix for plugin messages (for example automatic chat and updates)
channels: channelname: command: 'chancmd' format: '&aEXAMPLE: {NAME}: &c{MESSAGE}'
You can make as many channels as you want within the channels.yml file. The "command" line will be the command you use in-game (along with <command-name>toggle), and the "format" line will be how it is presented in-game. Please note you should always include {NAME} and {MESSAGE} in the file exactly with the curly braces or the two will not show up.
- /adminchat reload - reloads AdminChat, getting fresh values from the configuration files.
- /<channel-command> <message> - send a message to a private channel Ex. /ac What's going on in adminchat today?
- /<channel-command>toggle - toggled chatting within a private channel Ex. /actoggle
- /<channel-command> - same as above, toggle chatting within a private channel Ex. /ac
- adminchat.* - Grants all privileges for AdminChat
-<channel-name> - Allow a player to send messages to a private channel and read it
-* - Allows a player to send messages to and read from all channels
- adminchat.reload - Allow a player to reload AdminChat
Already is!:
You would be looking for this area:
However, an overhaul of this plugin is due (I don't personally have time yet, going to overhaul Playtime first)
Can you make this open source? I'd like to add the ability to use display names and not just usernames.
Does this work for 1.7.9 cause Im having trouble with it on my server.
I love this plugin so much but could you add like {GROUP} support so players can have their group name in the chat?
Love this plugin very light-weight. However I tried the {DISPLAYNAME} method for displaying prefix-suffix and it simplyed showed the word {DISPLAYNAME} rather than translating the text.
I believe I left a tag for {DISPLAYNAME} in there, which should do just that :)
@1Rogue can you add something like a variable for the Prefix of one group?For example: [DEV]DanSt3fan says something on /ac and it would show as: ADMINCHAT: [DEV]DanSt3fan?
As far as I'm aware this would be compatible with such plugins, and it would be somewhat outside the scope of this plugin to do that.
SO you mean a censor plugin?
This plugin is great!
As you seem to know how to do Chat plugins.. would you think about creating a chat plugin for the real minecraft chat? Would be great to see a better and simpler chat plugin as lightweight as this one out there :) When I say this i mean like anti advertisements, anti caps, anti spam.. etc.
Added to suggestion list!
Dang not compatible with PerWorld yet. Nice plugin, cant wait for it to be! Keep up amazing work!!
Noted for a future update, looks like they both reflect in a similar way.
I was just wondering if you could make this plugin compatible with this one: I restarted my server only to find an error in the (I think, I'm not an expert) after installing that plugin.
Anyways, that'd be great :D I absolutely love this plugin!
Send me a PM with your permissions.yml and a startup log, should be easy enough to fix
I love how simple this plugin is however it wont let me give permissions for channels to my staff members. I have a mod channel and it wont let them use it, all op players can though
Thank you for the reply. I don't like HeroChat very much, it's a working plugin but to complicated. I find yours way more lightweight, and if you are to add a feature to divide a channel from the global channel I'd gladly download it as this is a handy plugin for me and my server. :)
If you're thinking about toggle-able channels, then you might want something more robust, like HeroChat. The plugin itself offers the ability to individually allow speech or listening to a channel, or both. But toggling dynamically isn't something I added.
I can mark it as a potential future addition but it isn't 100% likely to come through.
yeah, i understand but this is more of a bugg than a feature when i think of it, as i added a roleplay chat, normal players could use it, but other players could also see what was written in the roleplay chat without acctually speaking in it, get what i mean? My request is that players need to be in that channel to both speak and listen to it, alternativly add a toggle in the config if you get what i mean