AdminChat allows admins to have private conversations about users or any other server issues without disrupting the public or letting everyone see what they are discussing.
Updating to 1.3+
Please note, that the permission nodes have all changed as of this update! By default, the plugin creates an "adminchat" in the channels.yml, and this has the same format as previous versions of adminchat. The perm node to use this chat will be
- Let all admins online talk to each other privately
- Configurable format for the chat
- Allows creation of multiple channels
- Allows choosing the command for the channel
- Automatic update checking
Upcoming features (1.5.0)
- Individual Read/Send permissions per channel
- A mute command for either one or all channels, as well as unmuting
- Muting for a specified amount of time.
Config.yml: update-check:
- Default: true
- Checks for updates to adminchat on server startup, and will message ops/players with all perms on startup (if true) prefix:
- Default: "&a[&cAdminChat&a] "
- Prefix for plugin messages (for example automatic chat and updates)
channels: channelname: command: 'chancmd' format: '&aEXAMPLE: {NAME}: &c{MESSAGE}'
You can make as many channels as you want within the channels.yml file. The "command" line will be the command you use in-game (along with <command-name>toggle), and the "format" line will be how it is presented in-game. Please note you should always include {NAME} and {MESSAGE} in the file exactly with the curly braces or the two will not show up.
- /adminchat reload - reloads AdminChat, getting fresh values from the configuration files.
- /<channel-command> <message> - send a message to a private channel Ex. /ac What's going on in adminchat today?
- /<channel-command>toggle - toggled chatting within a private channel Ex. /actoggle
- /<channel-command> - same as above, toggle chatting within a private channel Ex. /ac
- adminchat.* - Grants all privileges for AdminChat
-<channel-name> - Allow a player to send messages to a private channel and read it
-* - Allows a player to send messages to and read from all channels
- adminchat.reload - Allow a player to reload AdminChat
Do this work for paper 1.16.1? I really love admin chat plugins so I hope you will update it if it does not work. Thanks in advance!
In reply to VernoxTV:
Yes. I am using it on 1.18.1 and it's working perfectly.
Is This Work on 1.14 ?
In reply to numnumslup:
works on 1.15 so i guess it works on 1.14 too. i use this plugin so much !! so usefull the other ones suck
Add so i can change main command (/adminchat)
In reply to Forge_User_56178575:
Hi mate, I was wondering if you happen to know any pl that allows me to control the chat in such a way that I can place the level of their islands next to the name of the users, I've been searching for a long time and I still have not been able to find it.
Can you maybe add an rank tag? {rank}
is this plugin updated to 1.11.2 ?
I've replaced Metrics with a newer version which doesn't use the deprecated getOnlinePlayers method. (I'm also not sure if BuildTools still includes the deprecation mappings, so this method may not work any more anyway.)
I've fixed the update check in 1.4.4, feel free to update. The update checker for versions 1.2.0 - 1.4.3 should be fixed soon, but I can't confirm that.
Working perfectly in 1.9.4.
However, I occasionally get this error message in the console:
Should also mention that I have had to disable update check, we are running the latest version but have been getting nagged each time an admin logs in that there is a new version available (but there's not).
If anyone wants to run this plugin on spigot 1.9 or later, you will need to remap some legacy methods as mentioned here in this post (under craftbukkit).
Basically, download the jar file from bukkitdev (should be named admin-chat.jar). Then put the jar in spigot's buildtools folder and run this command from a terminal like GitBash (command prompt, etc.):
Then simply install the AdminChat-1.9.jar file on your server, and delete the previous file. Everything should work fine when you load up the plugin. I've done this in order in continue using a stable version of the AdminChat plugin on my server, I have had no issues thus so far. Good luck!
The plugin should work fine on 1.9 (you can ignore the Metrics getOnlinePlayers() bug).
/.:ac is an alias for /ac due to the way the plugin registers commands, however it doesn't work properly due to how the plugin resolves the commands.
Update for 1.9?
Not sure why /.:ac is a command but theres an error
I have 2 channels set up, Mod and Admin
Players with any adminchat permission node can see every chat where as they should only be able to see the chats that they have permission too (weither or
Please help