This plugin allows you to announce a message via the new Actionbar in the game,
which will appear above your health and armor bars.
One of the many useful aspects of the Actionbar, is that it disappears after a few seconds
(which can be adjusted in the config/command)
so it won't sit in the middle of your screen and annoy you.
You can also set custom join- and firstjoin-messages
(basically "Welcome to the Server"-Messages" which you can edit and animate as you like)
to enable the %money%, %prefix%, %group% and the %suffix% variable you have to install Vault and any Economy or Group plugin you want
Another feature of this plugin is the Actionbar-Announcer,
which allows you to time your Join-Messages and such, as you like!
For example: you can animate a, let's say, Welcome!-Message and
make it appear like every 5 minutes :)
PS.: The time units are in "ticks" - so 20 ticks equal 1 second
Animated Actionbar
(either in the Join/FirstJoin message or in the Autobroadcast)
Commands || Permissions || Variables
recent update
write ideas for upcoming features that will be added to the checklist
Requires Minecraft Version 1.8.x+
(also works with 1.8.x in the newer versions)
NEW!: also supports v1.11
- Download Actionbar.jar
- Put Actionbar.jar into your Plugins folder
- Run Minecraft and the Plugin should work perfectly!
to enable the %money%, %prefix%, %group% and the %suffix% variable you have to install Vault and any Economy or Group plugin you want
Donation & Credits
This plugin is maintained by a team of developers in their free time
Feel free to donate to keep our projects alive
Also we would like to thank those who have helped with the plugin:
- PhantomX, Designer
- AgreSith, Gamer/Translator
update to 1.13.1 please, thankyou!
HEader 1 of the dender
well done whit the plugins on the stakes ok well dine!!
Is there an api that developers can use in their plugins?
the block variables have been updated in
well I made one but forgot to tell you tell me if you need it although I'm kinda late
now it's working (since version
what do you mean by on-click actions
Why not add on-click actions?
sorry, I still not know how to make the %blockx% into integer. BarAPI doing nothing for me...
I need an API. If you don't make an API I will have to use BarAPI and similar plugins for my own plugin.MobHunting.
Hi, in the config.yml like this:
ActionbarAnnouncer: Settings: Toggle: true StopTime: 0 Time: 0 Messages: Messages: - '&6&lMoney: &f&l%money% &6&lPos: &f&l%blockx% %blockz% &6&lHeight: &f&l%blocky%'
the %blockx% %blockz% shows a float number...occupied a large screen place. can you fix it to integer? please!
Hi, the only way I'm aware of currently is to increase the quantity of lines to the message, the actual appearance timing is built into the game.
Hence if you want to see the message for longer then add more lines to the message. Each line will then be shown, giving the appearance of one 'longer' continuous message.
The more lines you add the longer it will seem to be there.
Hope that helps :)
Hi! At once I want to warn that I am Russian and communicate in English for me it is problematic. I would like to tell many thanks to the developers of this plugin. You have an excellent plug-in. I would like to ask, is it possible somehow to make time of disappearance of an ActionbarAnnouncer slightly longer than ~ 3 seconds?
checking on that ^^
well played haha ;)
just make the time of the announcer to 0 or 1 I guess ^^
well like he said, it's not possible make it infinite but to shorten the time
FIXED with 1.3 Version
what other casualties are there o.O
yup, one of the many 'casualties'! :)
Spigot 1.9: action bar content does not load.
That isn't possible with the way the bars work in bukkit as far as I'm aware. You could shorten the interval I suppose :)
How do i make it so it will display a message forever (all the time) while the player is online?
I think integer %blockx% would be better, otherwise it occupied large screen area.
Can you edit the Plugin Like that: Differnt World, Differnt Messages? Sorry for bad english
this is a spigot only plugin and I am really sorry for that... I'm thinking of adding bungee and protocol hack but I'm really busy and I'm not quite sure when or if i'm going to add it... but if, I'll contact you ;)
this will definitely come in a future update, no worries I'm kinda back in business with Bukkit and I'll try to add some new stuff, also a randomiser :)
the variable is already created, I'm just look for the best way to display it, so it will also definitely be in the upcoming update :)
I am sorry to say, but it's not possible to send a second line and that's why I won't be able to add, if there'll be a method in future updates, I'm going to add it... :/
Is it possible to have 2 lines?
could you add in-game time?